Synchronous Session Week 5 - Copy



National University College *

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Computer Science


Jul 1, 2024





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Lockett, Jasmine ABA 620 Synchronous Session- Week 5 1. Can you describe how antecedents and consequences work together to influence behavior? Provide an example of each in a classroom setting. Antecedents are events or environments that trigger a certain behavior, while Consequences are the responses or outcomes that follow the behavior. Together, they form a cycle that can reinforce or discourage specific behaviors. - Antecedent: The teacher announces a pop quiz. - Behavior: A student, feeling unprepared, starts to fidget and look around the room anxiously. - Consequence: The teacher notices the student’s anxiety and decides to provide a brief review of the material before starting the quiz. 2. How do immediate and delayed effects of stimuli differ in their impact on behavior? Provide an example of each type of effect. These two have different impacts on behavior due to the principle of immediacy in learning and behavior modification. - Immediate would be if my dog, Issa, sits on command and I immediately give her a treat. - Delayed would be if I handle a client that engaged in maladaptive behavior and physical aggression then I dealt with the behaviors calmly and I was able to reintegrate the client back to the preferred area with no maladaptive behavior. Two weeks later, my BCBA (Board Certified Behavior Analyst) gave me recognition of success concerning that client. 3. What is a Functional Analysis of stimuli? Why is it important in understanding behavior? Give an example of how you might use Functional Analysis in a real-world scenario. A systematic approach to understanding the relationship between environmental stimuli and behaviors. It is important to understand behavior because it helps to identify specific environmental triggers that lead to a behavior. For example, A Functional Analysis might reveal that the student engages in disruptive behavior when given difficult assignments (antecedent), and thus, they receive attention from the teacher (consequence).
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