Robotics in Disaster Recovery: Landmine Detection & Rescue



Western Governors University *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school




Computer Science


Jun 13, 2024





Uploaded by JudgeComputer105444

A: Environment The robot is deployed in an environment representing terrain containing active landmines. The environment consists of over 30 landmines, along with walls representing “boundary zones” that the robot is permitted to work with. The landmines are colored red to improve visibility while running the simulation. In addition, the environment contains a person (represented by a cylinder). The robot will navigate through the minefield, logging the location of any detected mines. If a person is found, a message will be emitted, and an operations team will be dispatched to guide them to safety. B: Improved Disaster Recovery Our disaster recover robot is tasked with navigating through an active minefield, logging the location of any mines that it discovers. In addition, it has a special sensor that is able to detect people in the area. The robot will emit a message, and inform our operations team that a person is in the area. In our simulation, the landmines are represented by a red disk. By combining the robot’s ability to detect mines and identify people stranded in the field, we can mitigate the hazards and assure that no more people will fall victim to the mines. C: Architecture The minesweeper robot and CoppeliaSim scene is based off the default BubbleRob tutorial scene. The robot has two different sensors. The red sensor is responsible for detecting landmines. When it finds one, it makes a log of it. In addition, this sensor is also able to detect boundaries so that it can be programmed to work within a specific geographic zone. The “boundaries” of the current zone are represented by walls in the simulation. The blue sensor is specifically programmed to detect human beings. If a human being is found, the robot will approach the human and stop. A message is emitted, declaring that a person is found, and our operations team will be contacted to rescue the person. D: Internal Representation of Environment The robot keeps an internal representation of the environment by using sensors to perceive its surroundings. The red sensor will allow it to detect landmines. When this occurs, this location is logged so that it may be removed at a later time. In addition, the robot keeps an internal representation of the geographic zone it is working in. Since the red sensor can scan the ground, it is also responsible for detecting the boundary region. When deployed, a specific zone can be specified,
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