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Computer Science


Jun 11, 2024





Uploaded by SuperInternet12237

What s a key difference between biological neural networks and artificial neural networks? Biological neurons receive signals from many other neurons. Biological neural networks are composed of many neurons. Biological neurons have many connections to other neurons. Biological neurons only fire i a threshold is surpassed. @ comect & Correct! Artifcial neural networks use an activation function to determine how they fire. These activation functions will be addressed in a future lecture. What does the XOR (short for “exclusive or”) operator from Boolean logic do? XOR outputs true when neither inputs are true XOR outputs true when only one input is true XOR outputs true only when both inputs are true XOR outputs true when either inputs are true o) © correct Correct! Later, you will be asked postulate why this seemingly simple task cannot be completed by a single-layer neural network.
1. When were artificial neural networks first theorized? @ At neurst networks were firt theorzed i the 15405, O il neurst networks were firt theorzed i the 15705, O i neurst etworks were frt theorzed i the 19505, O el neursl nebworks were firstthearized in the early 20005, © comect Correct! McCulloch and Pitts created a mathematical model of neurons able to calculate nearly any logical or arithmetic function. 2. Approvimately how many neurons are there in the human brain? O -ssthousand O -ssmilion @ -ssbilion O -sstilion @ comeat Correct! Each neuron may be connected to up to 10,000 other neurons. Ifthis were an artifcial neural network, we would need to optimize over hundreds of trillions of parameters. 3. Which algorithm renewed popular interest in artficial neural network research in 19867 O Hillcimbing @ Eschpropsgstion O Gradient descent O Djestr’ssigorthm © comect Correct! This algorithm was created, thanks to David Rumelhart, Geoffrey Hinton, and Ronald Williams, to calculate gradients for gradient descent. 1/1point 1/1point 1/1point
4. What is a major challenge for artificial neural networks? 1/1 point O Artificial neural networks cannot handle inputs of a different scale. O Artificial neural networks only work on specific types of output data. O Artificial neural networks can only make discrete classifications. @ Artificial neural networks are difficult to analyze and debug. ( ) Correct Correct! Because of the vast number of parameters and connections in a neural network, determining howone has modeled a given dataset, or why something may not be working as expected, isnot a straightforward task. The output of the perceptron is a linear combination of what? The sigma vector The input vector The output vector The weight vector (J) Correct Correct! We take the dot product of the transposed weight vector with the input vector to get our perceptron’s output.
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