BC 2813: Strategic Communication for Business Professionals
APA Citation Practicum
Complete the following to demonstrate you can create references in APA 7
edition correctly by hand
, not using a citation generator.
1) Locate a peer reviewed journal article in the ProQuest database. Attach the journal article FILE, not link, to the assignment in Canvas. Type the citation below by hand. Use the sample provided as a guide.
Shen, J. & Tang, C. (2018). How does training improve customer service quality? The roles of transfer of training and job satisfaction. European Management Journal, 36
(1). 708-716.
2) Locate an online periodical such as Forbes or Business Insider. Type the citation below by hand. Use the sample provided as a guide.
Morgan, B. (2018, January 24). Why every employee at your company should have communication skills training. Forbes
. https://www.forbes.com/sites/blakemorgan/2018/01/24/why-every-employee-at-your-