Lesson 01 - Assignment, Company Case: Buffalo Wild Wings 1.
Describe the Buffalo Wild Wings market offering based on the concepts of needs, wants, and demands, differentiating the three.
Buffalo Wild Wings is a popular, sizable, sports-themed restaurant chain with wide-screen televisions. They notoriously serve up wings, tenders, burgers, and alcoholic beverages. They are
also known for their range of sauces, from sweet to very spicy. The market offering at Buffalo Wild Wings is based on needs, wants, and demands, all three unique in its way. Marketing, in general, can serve customers, and each customer has different needs, wants, and demands for themselves. It is the task of those in charge of marketing within an organization to differentiate them. Needs can be defined as things that fulfill primary requirements for survival, like food, water, and shelter. Wants can be for items the customer wants but does not need; wants primarily depend on needs and can be shaped directly by culture and preferences. Demands can be accredited to products or services the buyer will go out of his way to purchase; the customer has both the ability and willingness to attain them. Buffalo Wild Wings' market offering is to satisfy customers' needs, wants, and demands.
The company's target audience comprises sports fans who enjoy a game in a restaurant stadium-
like atmosphere or those who enjoy eating chicken wings and or a beer. The restaurant provides a variety of menu items for different appetites. It also showcases the different signature sauces and flavors that they offer.
2. Discuss Buffalo Wild Wings' success and stagnation regarding customer perceived value.
Customer-perceived value in marketing is the discount between a prospective customer's evaluation of the benefits and costs of one product compared to others. Buffalo Wild Wings has had both success and stagnation regarding customer-perceived values. The success of customer-perceived value within BWW can be credited to the company's market offering based on its customer needs, wants, and demands. Restaurant patrons need to eat and socialize; they offer food, drink, and shelter from the weather. They provide wants, like wings with different sauces and alcoholic beverages while watching sports. They provide demands by providing a unique experience similar to a sporting event with interactive technology and large-
screen televisions. Buffalo Wild Wings has focused on differentiation, even within its name. Compared to other casual dining chains, BWW focuses on chicken wings, which are relatively cheap food that doesn't have an affordable price when eating out. Chicken wings guarantee the company a high profit margin and appeal to a wide range of customers.