Professor Dawn Finnegan
ICA #4
Name (s): Ava /15
Develop a SWOT analysis for a company of your choice. Provide three meaningful points per section. (12 Marks) DO NOT CHOOSE APPLE, Samsung, Starbucks or Nike
How would you change/improve their proposed strategy? (3Marks)
If I was LUSH my only strategy would be to do market research, and surveys on existing customers and new ones. Whether a consumer walks in or out, makes a purchase asking how was there service today and taking note to asking them what they would like to see more of the company. That can help with narrowing down what they should work on, add more of and less of. I would also add more diversity to the products although they have a great product line, they are well known for their bath bombs, they can do so much more in the different areas and add so much to their stores that will drive more customers in store, like robes, towels, loofah, cute sponges etc…
Make sure to cite your work. I did not have any work to cite I actually just went on the website and have shopped in lush personally and just took from that so I cited the website.
Branding, Lush has a strong brand identity. When someone sees the logo, name or wrapping paper they automatically know what it is.
Unique and Fun Retail Experience
Sustainability Weaknesses
Price points are a little higher than other places, because products are more natural and not with as much preservatives added inside them this will make the product go up
in price especially for people who are on a budget it isn’t as affordable for them
Online presence: They have such a great retail experience that there online presence is there but it has room for growth.