SITHIND002 Knowledge Test



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SITHIND002 Student Assessment Booklet Page: 1 of 70 Version: 2.1 Responsibility: Course Coordinator Last Reviewed: October 2018 SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Version 2.1 Student Assessment
SITHIND002 Student Assessment Booklet Page: 2 of 70 Version: 2.1 Responsibility: Course Coordinator Last Reviewed: October 2018 This page is intentionally left blank
SITHIND002 Student Assessment Booklet Page: 16 of 70 Version: 2.1 Responsibility: Course Coordinator Last Reviewed: October 2018 This page is intentionally left blank
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SITHIND002 Student Assessment Booklet Page: 17 of 70 Version: 2.1 Responsibility: Course Coordinator Last Reviewed: October 2018 PART 2 Assessment Task
SITHIND002 Student Assessment Booklet Page: 19 of 70 Version: 2.1 Responsibility: Course Coordinator Last Reviewed: October 2018 Assessment task 1: Knowledge Test Required documents and equipment: - Computer with internet connection to refer to various resources. - Student assessment booklet and a pen (organized by the student). - RGIT LHDUQHUV· UHVRXUFHV IRU WKH XQLW SITHIND002- Source and use information on the hospitality industry (organised by the trainer). - LHDUQHU·V QRWHV Instructions for students: This assessment will be conducted in the RGIT classroom or outside the campus with access to the resources listed above. You must satisfactorily perform all tasks to be deemed satisfactory for the assessment. Planning the assessment - Recommended date for assessment: [ Trainer to provide] - Access all resources mentioned in required resources either printed copies or access via the internet - Time required for assessment: 60 minutes - You must: o Answer all the questions satisfactorily to be deemed competent o Complete the and submit in due timelines o Submit with a completed assessment cover sheet - Your assessor will set a time to provide feedback Evidence specifications: At the end of the assessment, you will be required to submit the following evidence before the due date specified by the assessor: - You are required to submit a completed (ticked) multiple choice question listed in Knowledge test. - Completed and signed cover sheet for assessment Evidence submission: - Documentation can be submitted electronically or paper-based. - Your assessor will record the assessment outcome on the assessment cover sheet.
SITHIND002 Student Assessment Booklet Page: 20 of 70 Version: 2.1 Responsibility: Course Coordinator Last Reviewed: October 2018 1. You work in a restaurant and have been asked to research information on the services provided by your competitors in the area. What sources of information are most likely to assist you? Union and legislative documents. Personal experiences/observations, internet, colleagues. Television and industry associations. Reference books, library and trade professionals. 2. Government regulators provide plain English publications on legislative requirements relating to everyday duties such as WHS, hygiene, responsible gaming or service of alcohol. How can you access the information contained in these documents in the workplace? In formal training courses such as health and safety or food safety supervisor courses. Through discussions with colleagues while working or in team meetings. Use the internet during meal breaks or after work to research the publications on government websites. Posters and notices in the workplace or organisational procedures. 3. As a motel operator, you wish to go through the process of gaining a star rating for your accommodation. How would you go about this? Participate in an industry accreditation scheme. Start networking with fellow colleagues in the same or similar hospitality sectors. Attend an industry associations training workshop. Refer to your industry code of conduct documentation and find the relevant policy. 4. Murray owns a café in a small riverside town. He cannot understand why he should be excited DERXW WKH LQFUHDVH LQ ZLQH WRXUV RIIHUHG LQ KLV UHJLRQ. AIWHU DOO, KH GRHVQ·W ZRUN LQ WKH ZLQH industry. Is this information relevant to Murray and how would you explain any benefits to him? <HV, LW·V UHOHYDQW. 7KH WRXULVP LQGXVWU\ KDV D GLUHFW LPSDFW RQ RWKHU KRVSLWDOLW\ LQGXVWULHV. More tourists means more potential customers for the café. <HV, LW·V UHOHYDQW. MXUUD\ FDQ QRZ SOD\ DQ LPSRUWDQW UROH LQ HQVXULQJ WKH VXFFHVV RI WKH tour companies if he chooses to promote the tours in his café. NR, LW·V QRW UHOHYDQW. MXUUD\·V EXVLQHVV LVQ·W OLNHO\ WR EH DIIHFWHG E\ WKH LQFUHDVH LQ WRXUV EHFDXVH KLV FDIp LVQ·W OLFHQVHG. IW·V QRW UHDOO\ UHOHYDQW WR MXUUD\, EXW DQ LQFUHDVH LQ WRXULVP in the area may open up other business opportunities for him.
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SITHIND002 Student Assessment Booklet Page: 21 of 70 Version: 2.1 Responsibility: Course Coordinator Last Reviewed: October 2018 5. Knowing the law and ensuring that you access the right information is crucial to doing your job well. What Act governs the way in which employers can work cooperatively and positively with their employees to monitor work practices and improve productivity? Trade Relations Act. Fair Work Act. Work Health and Safety Act. Hospitality Workplaces Act. 6. The hospitality industry must keep abreast of in-trend products and services. What technology services are marketing tools that allow businesses to connect, communicate and develop relationships with their customers? Integrated property management systems that use a common language to communicate. Social media sites such as Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and YouTube. Future design technology such as computer-aided design software. Access to WiFi with fast connections and unlimited downloads. 7. How will using knowledge of products and services enhance the quality of your work performance? It allows you to upskill and gain work promotions. IW HQVXUHV WKDW \RX·OO KDYH DOO WKH NQRZOHGJH SRVVLEOH DERXW D SURGXFW RU VHUYLFH. 7KLV promotes excellent customer service. IW KHOSV \RX WR DFFRPPRGDWH \RXU FXVWRPHUV· QHHGV, ZRUN ZLWKLQ legal requirements and improve skills and productivity. Once you impart this knowledge to other colleagues, your team will function better. 8. Which Act is concerned with the way an organisation conducts business and guards against unfair practices (fraud, unsafe products, anti-competitive practices, or misrepresentation of goods and services)? Competition and Consumer Act. Food Act. Liquor Act. Equal Opportunity Act. 9. A VWDII PHPEHU LV TXLWH DGDPDQW WKDW WKH\ GRQ·W KDYH WR ZHDU closed shoes while at work. Which quality assurance process could you seek information from in this case? Industry association membership. Accreditation scheme. Occupational licence. Code of conduct.
SITHIND002 Student Assessment Booklet Page: 22 of 70 Version: 2.1 Responsibility: Course Coordinator Last Reviewed: October 2018 10. ¶I IHHO OLNH I·YH EHHQ GLVFULPLQDWHG DJDLQVW EHFDXVH I·P SUHJQDQW. I KDYH D EHWWHU VNLOO VHW WKDQ my colleague, but he got the promotion instead of me. Where do I access information UHJDUGLQJ HTXDO RSSRUWXQLW\ ODZ?· Australian Human Rights Commission. Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Act. Local council member. Equal opportunity board. 11. <RX VHH D FROOHDJXH SRXU D FKHDSHU DOFRKRO LQWR WKH ERWWOH RI D EUDQG WKDW·V KLJKHU LQ TXDOLW\ and price. Is this ethical and legal? NR, EXW LW·V D FRPPRQ SUDFWLFH LQ DOO KRVSLWDOLW\ HVW ablishments and is considered acceptable if the product is similar in taste. :KDW WKH FROOHDJXH KDV GRQH LV LOOHJDO, EXW PD\ EH FRQVLGHUHG HWKLFDO LI KH GLGQ·W NQRZ the consequences of his actions. NRW RQO\ LV LW XQHWKLFDO, LW·V LOOHJDO XQGHU WKH CRPSH tition and Consumer Act. IW·V XQHWKLFDO, EXW D OHJDO SUDFWLFH. 12. You work in the stores department of a large hotel chain. You track stock movement through the entire establishment and ensure accurate information for menu costing, budget and expense forecasting, and stocktaking. If implemented, which technological system will impact your operational duties the most? A point of sale (POS) system. A property management system. A computer-aided despatch system. A purchasing and inventory system linked to a POS system. 13. New technologies allow us to improve our workplace practices. Which one will benefit our customers who want a faster check-in service? A key card system where, prior to arrival, the guest is texted the room number for a key card they already have. Online access to room reservation slips completed prior to arrival. Property management system that allows us to capture detailed guest profile and historical information. A room management system that allows us to set up a room, prior to arrival, as per the preferences of the guest.
SITHIND002 Student Assessment Booklet Page: 23 of 70 Version: 2.1 Responsibility: Course Coordinator Last Reviewed: October 2018 14. Which technology will have the greatest impact on reducing energy requirements needed to heat and cool a hotel room? Room key-activated lights that automatically go off when the room is vacated. Incandescent lights replaced with energy-efficient compact fluorescents. Energy management systems that allow automatic closing of external blinds to avoid direct sun into rooms and internal blinds to keep warm air in. Engineering solutions for energy savings on pumps, motors and air conditioning. 15. You want to update your wine sensory knowledge so you can more confidently recommend wine and food combinations to customers. How would you best achieve this? Join a professional industry body such as a restaurant and catering association. Network with colleagues who also like wine. Participate in wine appreciation training courses and seminars. Gain knowledge through personal experience. Join a membership to a wine-related, industry accredited scheme. 16. IW·V LPSRUWDQW WR PRQLWRU FXUUHQW LVVXHV DQG WUHQGV VR \RX·UH DZDUH RI FKDQJHV WKDW PD\ DIIHFW you, your business and its long-term profitability. Which of the following are government initiatives that you should monitor regularly? Major national and international events. Inflation, bank interest rates and exchange rates. Health and safety, food safety, alcohol and gaming reforms. The arrival of competitors (airlines, hotel chains and restaurant franchises) to an existing market. 17. When should you share hospitality-related information with customers and colleagues? On an ongoing basis throughout your working day. Whenever they ask you for information. At least monthly. On a regular basis in meetings.
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