Knowledge Test KOP001



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SITHKOP001 - Clean kitchen premises and equipment Student Assessment Booklet Version 3.0
SITHKOP001 Student Assessment Booklet Page: 2 Version: 3.0 Responsibility: Course Coordinator Last Reviewed: July 2020 This page is intentionally left blank
SITHKOP001 Student Assessment Booklet Page: 16 Version: 3.0 Responsibility: Course Coordinator Last Reviewed: July 2020 PART 2 Assessment Task
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SITHKOP001 Student Assessment Booklet Page: 18 Version: 3.0 Responsibility: Course Coordinator Last Reviewed: July 2020 Assessment task 1: Knowledge Test Required documents and equipment: - Computer with internet connection to refer to various resources. - Student assessment booklet and a pen (organized by the student). - RGIT LeaUQeUV· UeVRXUceV fRU WKe XQLW SITHKOP001- Clean kitchen premises and equipment. (organised by the trainer). - LeaUQeU·V QRWeV Instructions for students: This assessment will be conducted in the RGIT classroom or outside the campus with access to the resources listed above. You must satisfactorily perform all tasks to be deemed satisfactory for the assessment. Planning the assessment - Recommended date for assessment: [ Trainer to provide] - Access all resources mentioned in required resources either printed copies or access via the internet - Time required for assessment: 60 minutes - You must: o Answer all the questions satisfactorily to be deemed competent o Complete the assessment and submit in due timeline o Submit with a completed assessment cover sheet - Your assessor will set a time to provide feedback Evidence specifications: At the end of the assessment, you will be required to submit the following evidence before the due date specified by the assessor: - You are required to submit a completed (ticked) multiple choice question listed in Knowledge test. - Completed and signed cover sheet for assessment Evidence submission: - Documentation can be submitted electronically or paper-based. - Your assessor will record the assessment outcome on the assessment cover sheet.
SITHKOP001 Student Assessment Booklet Page: 19 Version: 3.0 Responsibility: Course Coordinator Last Reviewed: July 2020 1. If \RX dRQ·W NQRZ KRZ WR XVe, VWRUe RU SUeSaUe cOeaQLQg ageQWV aQd cKePLcaOV, KRZ dR \RX find out? CRQVXOW SURdXcW/PaQXfacWXUeU·V LQVWUXcWLRQV, ZRUNSOace dRcXPeQWV/dLagUaPV, SafeW\ Data Sheets (SDS) or Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). Check the HAZCHEM labels. Ask the head chef. CRQVXOW \RXU UeVWaXUaQW·V SROLc\ UegaUdLQg SeUVRQaO SURWecWLYe eT uipment (PPE). 2. Why should you clean and sanitise kitchen equipment? Choose the best answer. To make sure it presents well to customers. TR SURYe WKaW \RX·Ye cRPSOeWed WKe XQLW Clean kitchen premises and equipment . To ensure the safety of the food \RX·Ue SUeSaULQg aQd VeUYLQg WR cXVWRPeUV. To prevent ant infestation. 3. Where should you store cleaned equipment? In a safe storage area such as a locked room or cupboard. Out in plain view, so anyone who needs it can see it. In its designated place. In a cool, dry, well-ventilated area. 4. How do you correctly load the dishwasher? Pre-rinse all plates in the sink with soapy water then load into racked trays. Stack items tightly on the racks to prevent breakage and maximise cleaning action. Place dishes into dishwasher trays as soon as they arrive at the sink to ensure a quick return of dishes back to the service area. Slide trays into the dishwasher and begin wash cycle. SRUW ¶OLNe· LWePV LQWR SLOeV, ORad LWePV Rf V imilar type into trays and pre-rinse to remove ORRVe RU VWLcN\ fRRd. DRQ·W cURZd WKe dLVKeV. SWacN LWePV VR WKe ZaWeU MeWV caQ UeacK aOO surfaces. 5. Which of the following items should you hand wash? Kitchen knives. All cooking utensils. Dishes. Crockery. 6. If you notice broken or chipped service ware, who should you report this to? YRX dRQ·W Qeed WR UeSRUW LW. JXVW dLVSRVe Rf LW ZLWKLQ WKe VcRSe Rf \RXU UeVSRQVLbLOLW\. Report it to your supervisor. Report it to wait staff, so they know to warn the customer about it. Report it to the person you think broke it.
SITHKOP001 Student Assessment Booklet Page: 20 Version: 3.0 Responsibility: Course Coordinator Last Reviewed: July 2020 7. At what time do sufficient supplies of clean, undamaged crockery need to be available? At the end of the service period. At the beginning of the service period. At all times during the service period. YRX aUeQ·W UeTXLUed WR eQVXUe WKeUe aUe VXffLcLeQW VXSSOLeV Rf cOeaQ, XQdaPaged crockery, the chefs are. 8. WK\ VKRXOd \RX fROORZ \RXU RUgaQLVaWLRQ·V cOeaQLQg VcKedXOe aQd dRcXPeQW WKe cRPSOeWLRQ of cleaning tasks? Choose the best answer. So, eYeU\RQe NQRZV WKaW \RX cRPSOeWed \RXU cOeaQLQg WaVNV cRUUecWO\ aQd caQ·W bOaPe you if cross-contamination causes a customer to get sick. TR be cRPSOeWeO\ VXUe WKaW LW·V LPSRVVLbOe fRU LQVecWV aQd YeUPLQ WR LQYade \RXU S remises. To make sure your kitchen premises present well in case a customer happens to see it. IW·V SaUW Rf \RXU RUgaQLVaWLRQ·V UeTXLUed fRRd VafeW\ SURgUaP, ZKLcK eQVXUeV WKaW NLWcKeQ equipment, surfaces, food preparation and storage areas are hygienic. 9. WKaW·V WKe dLffeUeQce beWZeeQ cOeaQLQg aQd VaQLWLVLQg? You use hotter water when you clean than when you sanitise. Cleaning removes visible dirt, soil or stains. Sanitising kills/reduces disease-causing bacteria. You clean equipment that comes into direct contact with food. You sanitise floors, walls, eWc., ZKLcK dRQ·W cRPe LQWR dLUecW cR ntact with food. Cleaning requires you to use the right detergent, chemicals and techniques for the VXUface. SaQLWLVLQg dReVQ·W. 10. WKaW·V WKe beVW cOeaQLQg ageQW WR XVe ZKeQ geWWLQg ULd Rf aQLPaO aQd SeVW ZaVWe? Disinfectant and deodorant. Degreaser. Bleach. Neutral detergent. 11. What single document provides safety procedures to follow in the event of a chemical accident? SDS or MSDS. PPE. HAZCHEM. WHS.
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SITHKOP001 Student Assessment Booklet Page: 21 Version: 3.0 Responsibility: Course Coordinator Last Reviewed: July 2020 12. Which of the following is true about sorting and removing soiled linen? Every establishment follows the same exact procedure for sorting and removing soiled linen. Soiled linen is always laundered off-site through an external linen service and is sorted/removed according to their specifications. You must remove soiled linen and sort it into pre-designated areas according to your eVWabOLVKPeQW·V SURcedXUe. You should place kitchen and dining room linen together, but separate badly stained from lightly soiled linen. 13. WKaW·V WKe PRVW LPSRUWaQW UeaVRQ WR promptly dispose of kitchen waste? To create more space in the kitchen. To avoid customers being exposed to unpleasant odours. TR PaLQWaLQ \RXU UeVWaXUaQW·V LPage. To avoid cross-contamination with food stocks. 14. Which of the following is true regarding the safe use of cleaning agents, chemicals and equipment? You should only use them in a sealed area while wearing the necessary personal protective equipment. You should mix different cleaning agents together for the best result. You should use the right cleaning agent for the job and separate, colour-coded cloths for different tasks. You should always add the water to the cleaner when diluting hazardous chemicals. 15. Why is it important to use correct manual handling techniques when cleaning equipment and premises? To avoid injury. To avoid cross-contamination. To prevent infestation. TKeUe·V QR Qeed fRU NLWcKeQ aWWeQdaQWV WR XVe cRUUecW PaQXaO KaQdOLQg WecKQLTXeV. 16. Why should you use energy, water and other resources efficiently? Choose the best answer. To demonstrate your self-management skills. To reduce negative environmental impacts and save money. To ensure you adhere to water restrictions in times of drought. To increase profits and maximise negative environmental impacts.
SITHKOP001 Student Assessment Booklet Page: 22 Version: 3.0 Responsibility: Course Coordinator Last Reviewed: July 2020 17. Which of the following should you put into the general waste? Empty water bottle. Empty egg carton. Empty soda can. Empty plastic bread bag. 18. Why are HAZCHEM labels important? They tell you how to prepare hazardous chemicals. TKe\ LdeQWLf\ a fRRd·V XVe -by date. They help you identify hazardous substances. They tell you how to clean dangerous food-preparation equipment such as slicing machines. 19. Which of these types of kitchen waste are most harmful to the environment? Cooking oils. Vegetables. Disposable utensils. Breads and grains. 20. How do you safely handle and remove hazardous waste? Wear PPE, follow the SDS or MSDS and follow organisational procedures. Use tongs to separate waste and use gloves. Wear appropriate PPE and follow your organisational procedures. WeaU aSSURSULaWe PPE aQd fROORZ \RXU VXSeUYLVRU·V LQVWUXcWLRQV. 21. What is the purpose of wearing gloves while using cleaning products? To protect your hands from damage. To keep your hands clean so you are still able to serve food. To keep your hands from spreading germs. To prevent fumes. 22. What PPE would you use in order to descale a stovetop where you are using an acid cleaner? Mask, goggles and gloves. Mask, goggles, gloves, plastic apron. Mask and gloves. Mask and goggles.
SITHKOP001 Student Assessment Booklet Page: 23 Version: 3.0 Responsibility: Course Coordinator Last Reviewed: July 2020 23. Which of the following cleaning products would you use to wash dishes by hand? Dishwasher tablets. Dishwashing liquid. Dishwasher liquid. Mask and goggles. 24. How can you avoid risks to food when cleaning walls in the kitchen? PXW aZa\ RU UePRYe aOO fRRd VR LW dReVQ·W geW VSOaVKed. Wear gloves to prevent contamination. Wash your hands before you touch the food again. Wipe from top to bottom with hot water and neutral detergent.
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SITHKOP001 Student Assessment Booklet Page: 24 Version: 3.0 Responsibility: Course Coordinator Last Reviewed: July 2020 This page is intentionally left blank