Transformational Advertising (Q.3)
What is Transformational Advertising?
Transformational advertising is a marketing strategy that focuses on enhancing marketing
and advertising materials with transformative appeal. A transformative advertisement appeals to people's emotions, causing them to purchase a product or service. This is accomplished by associating positive, transforming effects with owning or utilizing a product via advertisements and content. Rather than just outlining the product's qualities, a transformational ad should properly express how what you're selling can improve someone's life (Fillmore, 2022).
Companies that Utilize Transformational Ads
Transformational advertising aims to inspire, uplift, and motivate customers by emphasizing the brand's values and expressing a bigger message. Its purpose is to leave a lasting impression and promote brand loyalty. Apple's "Think Different" campaign, Nike's "Just Do It" campaign, and KFC's "I Love You Colonel Sanders" campaign are all examples of transformative advertising. They have a united "why" behind their company's story, simple goals
that move a business forward as a whole, and a scalable system that allows all of the above to work efficiently (Lorenz, 2023).
Social movements are some of the greatest instances of transformative marketing. Consider the civil rights and feminist movements. Marketing was employed by these movements
to convey their message and effect change. Transformational marketing may also be observed in political campaigns, such as Barack Obama's. It's about more than simply making a difference; it's about starting a movement. A movement is a collection of individuals who are united by a