The Phoenix Arizona marketplace has become a hot spot over the past several years for people to move for various reasons. There has been a massive influx of people that have relocated because of reasons like the lower cost of living and low tax rates. In the article written by Grineski et al (2007) he makes an interesting factual statement that still hold true by stating “Phoenix is one of the fastest growing metropolitan areas in the United States and recently replaced Philadelphia as the fifth largest metropolitan area in the country” (Grineski et al, 2007, page 539). Phoenix has only continued to grow and expand since this was published and has seen a very substantial amount of growth in the year of 2020. All that has happened in 2020 has made the Phoenix marketplace a very attractive destination for people fleeing other states like California, Illinois, and New York. With this influx of people moving to the
city of Phoenix Arizona, environmental issues have worsened over the past several years.
In the text, Hammond (2016) states that environmental issues are defined as “refer to the natural ecosystems that include air, water, land, and the life forms in, on, around, and dependent on them” (Hammond, 2016, 5.1). The issues we will discuss specifically are the air pollution, water supply, and ozone depletion. “Because of the concatenation of uncontrolled urban sprawl, emissions from industrial facilities and vehicles, a heavily trafficked and expanding freeway system, and a shallow, relatively calm valley location in which pollutants settle and concentrate, Phoenix is host to serious air, Criteria Air Pollution and Marginalized Populations 541 land, and groundwater contamination problems” (Grineski et al, 2007,
page 542).