Summarize the article that you have cited. For instance, what are its main findings?
Use in-text referencing
when writing the summary
About 200 words
This essay analyzes Steve Jobs' charismatic management style. Steve Jobs is a
household name thanks to his charismatic leadership and forward-thinking vision. His influence on technological innovation is examined, as are his leadership skills. The piece also analyzes the new CEO's (team cook's) approach to leadership. The essay offers four ideas on how Apple should deal
with the fallout from these structural changes. To deal with these changes, a vigorous change management effort will be required. In the change management setting, they will also need to make small, incremental changes to a sizable chunk of the business. Because of this, they standardized many of
its processes and adopted a new method of management. The second and third solution perspectives appear to be the most relevant in Apple's case. Either Apple needs a new charismatic external leader with a clear vision, or the current executives need to form an advisory council. If Timothy Cook were put in charge of the corporation, his lack of charisma would only be a temporary problem (Jansen et al., 2012).
Reference list (in alphabetical order)
Full references for
Textbook and
2 peer-reviewed journal articles relevant to justifying your argument in the case study assessment
Burnes, B. (2004).
Managing change: A strategic approach to organisational
. Pearson Education.
Jansen, F., Spoelstra, W., Hafidz, I., & Bastrenta, G. (2012). How Apple can deal with the inevitable leaving of the charismatic leader Steve Jobs.
Jurnal Sistem Informasi
(3), 169-175.
Xue, C. T. S. Role of Leadership in Achieving Sustainable Organizational Change: Steve Jobs.