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Jun 19, 2024





Uploaded by SargentCaribouMaster1033

DBS211 -LAB02 Lab 02 Objectives: The purpose of this lab is to familiarize you with tables, columns, relationships, and constraints as provided to you within the sample database. By the end of this lab you should be able to: Produce a relationship diagram of an existing database Visualize the sample database provided to you and display the relationships between the tables Be familiar with the sample database that we will be using for the remainder of the term Preface: During this lab, you will need to create a relationship diagram. There are many free tools available to you for this task. One example would be http://draw.io . Explore the Database By navigating through SQL Developer and looking at the Columns, Data and Constraints tabs for each table, you will create a relationship diagram for all the tables in the database. Your diagram must include: ZERO MARKS WILL BE GIVEN IF USING SOME OTHER SCRIPT DIAGRAMS. Answers cannot be combined for all the questions together as one diagram. ZERO MARKS WILL BE GIVEN if using direct model diagrams. The names of the entities (tables) The attributes (columns) for each table Lines representing the relationships between tables, try to get the lines to as closely point to the correct fields as possible (not always possible to be exact, but do your best here). Do not overlap or cross the lines. Crows Foot Symbols on the lines representing the type of relationship (1-1, 1-many) Required fields should be bolded Primary Key fields should be underlined or indicated with a PK beside it. Child fields in the relationships should be indicated with an FK beside it. Example :
DBS211 -LAB02 LAB 02 – SUBMISSION You will be submitting a Word document with the screenshots of a completed database relationship diagram of the following 5 questions. In the ERD picture have your Name, Student ID number, section. This can be achieved by creating a simple box in the diagram before saving it. QUESTION 1 Draw the Entity Relationship diagram of the following tables PRODUCTLINES and RETAILPRODUCTS QUESTION 2 Draw the Entity Relationship diagram of the following table RETAILEMPLOYEES. QUESTION 3 Draw an Entity Relationship diagram for the following. The online movie rental service offers a catalog of movies available for rental. Each movie has a unique Movie_ID. Movies have attributes such as Title, Genre, Director, Release Year, and Rating. A movie catalog requires at least the title and Genre as required fields. Customers can register for an account to rent movies. Each customer has a unique Customer_ID. Customer information includes attributes such as Name, Email, Address, and Payment Information. A customer catalog requires at least the name and email address of the customer. Each rental transaction is recorded. A rental has a unique Rental_ID. Rental information includes attributes such as Customer_ID, Movie_ID, Rental Date, Due Date. Each customer can rent more than 1 movie and each movie can be rented by many or zero customers. QUESTION 4 Find the primary keys and foreign keys for all the tables created in LAB 01. See an example below and follow the same way to find these keys from constraints tab in the tables. Mention “n/a” if there is no primary key or foreign key. Table Name Primary Key fieldname Foreign key fieldname(Reference Parent table name) RETAILEMPLOYEES EMPLOYEENUMBER OFFICECODE(RETAILOFFICES), REPORTSTO(RETAILEMPLOYEES)
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