exercise 29



National University College *

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Jun 11, 2024





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:----.--*---- lnstructors may ass -c: a:,a'aa- of the Revievr Sheei q!e51.-: A&P- Composition of Blood 1. What isthe blood volume of an average-size 2. What determines whether blood is bright red adult male? liters; an average b \+€, Corvrr lv1 l. ;se the key to identify the cell type(s) or blood elements that fit the iollowing descriptive statements' Some terms will be used more than once. Ksl,r: a red blood cell i r-egrekaryocyie a ,eCs;r-CCf,ii d. basophil e. monocyte f neulroph l precursor celi of Plate:eis cell fragments involved in destroy ng parasrtrc worms releases histami ne; promotes inf lam mation produces antibodtes transports oxygen primarily water, noncellular; the fluid matrix of blood exits a blood vessel to develop into a macrophage i-'o S. lymphocyte h. platelets i plasma D Lx : Z;'"- -::,-:: 15 \+ 6. 7. B. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. C D (t< lb E V L 14. the five types of white blood cells 429 REVIEW SHEET t Lab Time/Date Name 5-tl i" liters
430 ?evie','; S'ee'- 19 l f 6,,"9 r.A rQ. l i€r"G\ P\\X-\a,tS Cr31r-ov-.t9log1r.l-es ciL\\S $var+ I r6E + C\€ t * o,-*.rc'rc{,}c A\.r .oa"+ rl $.6\-\rLS d- - @glno]r,, :lflmr mrunmulmer fllmflr' ilr, fm pnruarrcqrao= wort NQ,rjt<rl0rPr,r,i\ +Et tf osfwrPFai f o,So9ra.1) 8. Correctly identify the blood patholoqies descrrbed ;r column A by matching lhem wrth selections from colun:r' 3: Column A Column B a. anemia b. leukocytosis c. leukopenia d. polycythemra b D i\ 1. abnorrnal increase in the number of WBCs 2. abnormal increase in the number of RBCs 3. condition of too few RBCs or of RBCs with hemoglobrn defrcrencies 4. abnormai decrease in the number of WBCs \^ .t x ! : -
Hematologic Tests 9. ln the chart below, record information f rom the blood tests you read about or conducted. Complete the chart by recording values for healthy male adults and indicating the signiiicance of high or low values for each test. 1 y-O\r\d(.6' rsf g oLypr.,rv <-\astrSl3C tr. Dts.s se effect of eadr of the folrxing bcusur ilC.rr{. [oun&, a' EN@ifimlr lefuEqe as ..ew!. aru eo,an yor reasoning- blgrterm effrt of athletic training (for erernple, nru*ng a b 5 n& p Q cr e pd d 6 rc I trmldnn move from sea level to a a 'ea. 12. Define hematocrit 13. lf you had a high hematocrit, would you expect your hemoglobin determtnatron :o te - l- :' ,' whv? f5oVf,r. avg f.(- rol'\€A la\A ArGlrr,r-at rArlaq.Svv tv\ \cr\osA tcs.t qooo - ltooo cc\\t I vnw $ dc-$rc{r.f,Y rn lrcq.tC w\c. No data Total WBC count L\.s - s. s ,Y$\\\ovl C.C\1q, goffaf*.^rr^ a4 It\arr'- rrA.a\cc,r3 [ &.h{Ava.tpn I !&\r,e.*w*' 1!.!C loioo+ r+\S i pr.o<*.Ji*:9.a No data Total RBC count deu'7 fu*.€lu. trOl 4-"*-'al 'rF6 .( tr.3 t{S.v Hematocrit F)o 6au\,n a4^^.rdva1vil\ ,Lw\GA,t! 14 . Orr I Ov rCroo d gshrc\r{a.^c-u) r. ro-ltA dW Llo d*{o. ra.t - *:'r:gicbrn deterrnination E" Cto-|.+rv 1g6,u?-S Pre'v.-r.-+ I ,^"r-\&'&J No daia VO1r/\C-S t^fP\cc \Y ?4 c\o *\va1 I crof'+rtay l?trf;^; Gov .'r(\v>\ r)o daf+ S.* Yrrrr"{ S fiFc*s ay Review Sheet 29 431 ra*rrf SvoDrcvlro.zn s Low values Normal values (healthy male adults) .:ta. ..:.::i:ral:1,4:...:.: ::aaa:,.1..::.:::t a- ):a: H i g 6;.nalues,l|:: 11rr.1:{ test results Student
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