DNA - Blaye - DNA To Protein Synthesis Collaboration



Brigham Young University, Idaho *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






Jun 8, 2024





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G E S C I 2 0 5 · D N A : G E N E T I C I D E N T I T Y , D I S E A S E , A N D D E S I G N DNA: Identity Lesson 5 Teach One Another Activity Allele Frequencies at D16S539 Allele 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Caucasian freq. 0.0 12 0.0 03 0.1 01 0.0 83 0.1 85 0.3 05 0.1 66 0.1 14 0.0 31 1. A man and his wife underwent DNA fingerprinting to determine their allele status. For allele D16S539 the man had one allele with 10 repeats and the other allele with 12 repeats. The woman had one allele with 9 repeats and the other allele with 12 repeats. Determine the 4 possible combinations that we would see among their offspring. Using the Table above, calculate the locus frequency for each parent and for each one of the 4 children. Remember to use the correct formula (2pq or p 2 ). A l l e l e s L o c u s F r e q u e n c y a t D 1 6 S 5 3 9 F a t h e r 1 0 & 1 2 2 (0. 101 * 0.185) = 0.037 M o t h e r 9 & 1 2 2 (0.003 * 0.185) = 0.001 C h i l d # 1 9 & 12 2 (0.003 * 0.185) = 0.001 C h i l d # 2 10 &12 2 (0.101 * 0.185) = 0.037 C h i l d # 3 12 & 12 (0.185) ^ 2 = 0.034 C h i l d # 4 9 & 10 2 (0.003 * 0.101) = 0.0006 2. Given the following DNA double strand, below it write the RNA strand (label the 5’ and 3’ ends of the RNA). After writing the RNA strand, write the sequence of 6 amino acids that would be formed from this RNA strand. Hint: Remember to start with the universal start codon for methionine (AUG). 1
G E S C I 2 0 5 · D N A : G E N E T I C I D E N T I T Y , D I S E A S E , A N D D E S I G N 5 ’ – G G C A T A C G C C T G C A T G C A T C G G A T C T A T T G C – 3 ’ 3 ’ – C C G T A T G C G G A C G T A C G T A G C C T A G A T A A C G - 5 ’ 5' - GGCATACGCCTGCATGCATCGGATCTATTGC - 3' (top) 5' - GGCAUACGCCUGC|AUG|CAU|CGG|AUC|UAU|UGC| - 3’ AUG: met CAU: his CGG: arg AUG: ile UAU: tyr UGC: cys 3. In the lab, you isolate mutants with different DNA sequences as shown below. Based on the sequence above, determine what change occurs to the amino acid sequence of the polypeptide. If applicable, label it as a silent, missense, or nonsense mutation. Silent mutation – a change in the nucleotide sequence that does not lead to a change in the amino acid sequence. Missense mutation - a change in the nucleotide sequence which results in a change in the amino acid sequence. Nonsense mutation – a change in the nucleotide sequence which results in a premature stop codon. M u t a n t D N A # 1 3 ’ – C C G T A T G C G G A C G T A C G T A G C C T A G A T T A C G – 5 ’ It was mutated from A, the RNA was also changed to UAA (astopcodon). *Nonsense Mutation 2 Transcription start site Nontemplate strand Template strand
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