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HEnTzsPRUNG-Russrrr DncRAM rr a rt a rr a a rt a a a a a a a a a a f, f, f, f, f rl f f, ll t il rl - - a) - - - - - ) - - ) ) -^ Introduction Spectrocopy is the study of light. Stars emit light energy in the form of wavelengths called the electromagnetic spectrum. By analyzing the light that comes from distant starb, astronomers can determine what elements they are made of and better understand the chem- istry of all stars. Background Early astronomers like Eijnar Hertzsprung (Danish) and Henry Russell (American) studied the thousands of stars visible to the eye from Earth. They found that stars could be classified according to their color (which indicates the stars relative temperature) and their luminosity. Luminosity is the relative brightness of a star compared to the brightness of Sol (our Sun). This is a concept that can be confusing because if we look at all other stars in the night sky com- pared to Sol in the daytime sky, all other stars appear dimmer. However, that is because of the distances they are from Earth. One reason why Sol appears so bright is because it is only (on average) 93,000,000 miles flom Earth. Luminosity takes distances into account and categorizes stars as brighter than Sol, or dimmer than Sol by orders of magnitude. Hertzsprung and Russell recognized early on that by comparing stellar temperatures, luminosities and the actual output of energy (magnitude) of stars that they could determine stellar distances. The diagram they came to develop was called the Herztsprung-Russell Diagram, and it is most commonly used for plotting the evolution of stars. Since Herztsprung-Russell, astronomers have used satellite technology to collect data on various stars in our gala:iy. We now understand that stars fuse lighter elements first in their cores. These runaway fusion chain reactions yield heavier elements that take up less space in the stars. If the star has enough mass, it will begin to fuse the heavier element once most of the original elements have been fused. This change in fuel creates a change in the star's size and color. The star moves off the "Main Sequence" as it is rib longer stable but changing in characteristics. The star is much closer to its death stage, usually seen as enlarged in size, and red in color. The more massive the star, the shorter the life span-it burns through its fuel very quickly. The less massive the star, the longer the life span. Activity Overview This activity will show you how astronomers determine the chemistry of stars by using spectra, and how to recreate the Hertzsprung-Ruqsell Diagram that astronomers use to determine the distances to and evolution of stars. Materials Pencil Highlighter Colored pencils (red, orange, yellow and blue) Astronomy Actiuity Lab Manual 19
Activity 1 The Electromagnetic Spectrum and "Spectra" Astronomers use instruments called spectrometers to determine the elements that stars are made of. Since each element has a different "signature" or pattern when it absorbs and radiates heat and light, astronomers can use these special patterns to determine just what elements are present in the light coming from distant stars. Using the spectral patterns below of the elements, determine what elements are present in Spectrum Q. (Spectral Lines) Most of the universe is composed of Hydrogen atoms-it is the first gas that is fused in the core of stars like So1. Silicon Silicon and oxygen are the two most abundant elements in the rocks of Earth's crust. Oxygen Helium Lithium Carbon All life known to humans is based on molecules using carbon. Hydrogen ! ! E ! E ! I ! I I I I - t a ! t ! ! rt - rt It ! ! t ! r! ! ! C ! ! ! ! ! ! ! f f f f I -- HrnrzsPRUNG-RussELL DTAGRAM 20 What elements are represented in Spectrum Q below? Astronomy Actiaity Lab Manual
HEnTzsPRUNG-Russgrr DncRAM a ) 2 a a E t E t E E t rl E rf E a rl E rD t a rl E a E rt f, f, f, t f f, f, f f, f, f, f p l. l. l. 3 Activity 2 Procedure Creating the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram 1. Plotting Stellar Temperatures. Temperature is plotted along the x-axis. Tempera- tures increase from RIGHT to LEFT. The x-axis is not divided equal in temperatures differences Start with 2,000 "C at the right corner of the x-axis. Place the following temperatures on the x-axis from right to left: 3,000 'C; 4,000 'C; 5,000 "C; 6,000 'C; 7,500 'C; 10,000 'C; 25,000 "C; 35,000'C; 45,000'C; and 50,000'C. Stellar color is related to the surface temperature of the star. Using colored pencils, lightly shade in the x-axis (where the surface temperature is represented) with the following colors. Temperatures from 2,000 "C to 3,500 'C will be red stars. Temperatures between 3,500 'C and 5,000 "C will be orange stars. Temperatures from 5,000 'C to 6,500'"C will be yellow stars. From 6,500 "C to 7,500 "C are bluewhite stars. Blue stars will be from 7,500 'C to 11,000 "C. Use a very dark, color for the stars with temperatures greater than 11,000'C. 2. Luminosity. Luminosity is plotted along the y.aris and values increase from bottom to top on the diagram. Luminosity represents the relative brightness of a star compared to the brightness of Sol (that has a luminosity of 1). Values on this scale increase and decrease by factors of ten. At the top of the chart write the words "Bright, high energy output." and down toward the bottom, write "Dim, low energy output." For each mark made on the y-axis, complete the appropriate scale for luminosity with the luminosity values. Note that the value of Sol has already been placed on the chart as "1." 3. Drawing Stellar Size. Use the Stellar Luminosities and Temperature Table to deter- mine the position for each star. Place a dot at each location. Determine which of the three sizes the star should be and draw this sized circle around your dot to.represent its relative size compared to the other stars on the chart. You do nof need to Iabel your stars. Supergiants Giants O Dwarf Stars The stellar groups are outlined on the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram by name. The "Supergiants" are the largest stars that extend across the top of the diagram, "Giants" are smaller and "Dwarf" stars are'the smallest. Though in space actual stellar sizes vary, draw each group as a specific size. The sizes of stars in the Main Sequence will vary from dwarf to supergiant size. Delermine the most appropriate size for each star based upon its position in the diagram. . Connect the "X's" on the stars. Label this line. Astronomy Actioity Lab Manual diagram to show the location of the Main Sequence 2l
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r Give Sol a special symbol and provide a legend on the right border of the diagram. . When stars overlap due to sizes, draw them as if one were behind the other. That way the center point of each circle will still represent the most accurate position of the star. 4. Coloring Stars Using their placement upon the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram and their representative surface temperatures, Iightly color in each star using the appro- priate colors previously mapped on the diagram. 5. Mapping Stellar Evolution High Massed Stars Using a highlighter, draw an arrow from the Blue Supergiants across the diagram to the Red Supergiants. These most massive stars live the shortest periods-on the scale of only millions of years. Intermediate Massed Sfars Using your highlighter, draw an arrow from the Giant stars on the Main Sequence to the Red Giants. Inu Massed Stars (though Sol is technically an intermediate massed star, it is like. ly that it will follow this death sequence.) Using a highlighter, draw an arrow along the Main Sequence from Orange to Yellow. Continue this arrow off the main sequence to the Red Giant Stars. Now, change the direction of the arrow by drawing it to the White Dwarfs. These least massive stars live the longest periods of time-on the scale of billions of years. C e C t t I t e I ; J f C tl f f J tl I l I tf J J J tf t; t; J J t; tt J J J tt rt J J f J ! I -. HrnrzsPRUNG-RussnL DTAGRAM 22 Astronomy Actiaity Inb Manual
o=<Eru) cDl[ lrJE(5 - <Z]-(n A - <zts (n ,--\ E o!€ Ep fl: .€T E3 nr *t bo =E oi Efr IF ao - ID e !t It It a !l !D !t tt rD !D a D !D ID D It TD a It a D D- a ID E It It It It t rt rt rt rt a a, aD J) ,) - - - X 7\ .,\ ,\ t (t\ ,L (E 3 o o ,= -c. , , ,V , ,2\ , I I t , I t I I \ , t -- 'a ,' 9'. tE l r.E\ :at, ,-or ;PI ,*l tl tl ll tl t 1 \ \, X x Astronomy Actiaity Lab Manual
Stellar Luminosities and Temperatures Table ! F I I E ! I ! II tt I ! I I I' ! ! I I I I I T T I ! T ! ! ! f f J - ! J ; T f f f f f L Star Name Luminosity Temperature fQ 6l Cygnus B .04 3,600 AA star .36 3.900 Alpha Centauri C .00006 2,500 Alpha Crucis 2,700 20,700 4,400 4,600 Arcturus Bernard's Star .004 2,600 Beta Crucis 3,000 2r.700 Fomalhaut J5T Star 8,500 6,600 K900 Star 900,000 14,000 Luyten 7894A .00006 2,400 Mimosa 30,000 26,20Q. P78 Star P98C Star 6,000 Polaris 8,000 6,000 Sirius B .008 r0,400 V89 Star .08 6,400 Wolf 2,400 HrnrzsPRUNG-RussELL DTAGRAM C33 Star .3 8,500 Canopus , 1,500 7,700 Deneb 40,000 9,600 Procyon B .0005 7,100 R34 Star 250,000 5,400 250 11 5344 Star 250,000 8,000 24 211 Star .00001 Astronomy Actiuity Lab Manual
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HEnTzsPRUNG-RussErr DncRAM Questions to Master 1. a. On the H-R Diagram, the larger stars are found toward the (top/bottom/left/right/ center). Large stars can be part of which two groups: The brightest stars are found toward the (top/bottom/left/right/center). The hottest (temp.) stars are found toward the (top/bottom/left/right/center). Stars with the highest temperatures are the color The smallest stars are found toward the (top/bottom/left/right/center). The smallest stars are part of a group called the The dimmest stars are found toward the (top/bottom/left/right/center). The coolest (temp.) stars are found toward the (top/bottom/left/right/center). Stars with the coolest temperatures are the color Sol is found at the (top/bottom/Qeft/right/center). What color is Sol? Sol, like most stars, is found in a region of stable stars called k. Stars in The Main Sequence are considered relatively _, or unchanging. What does "H-R" Diagram stand for (include first and last names)? 3. What two major uses does this diagram have for astronomers? a. b. 4. Why are there no Nova's or Black Holes shown on this evolutionary diagram? 5. Briefly describe the death sequence of a high massed star once it leaves the H-R Diagram. e. f. o D' h. i. j. a 1 1 a a a a a 7s a 2 a a a a a a a a a a - - - - A Astronomy Actiaity Lab Manual 25
6. Briefly describe the death sequence of an intermediate massed star once it leaves the H-R Diagram. 7. Briefly describe the death sequence of a low massed star once it leaves the H-R Diagram. 8. Describe two changes a star undergoes once it leaves the Main Sequence. 9. Once a star changes color, what does that tell astronomers about the fusion process d occurring in the stellar core? 10. What one variable will determine the death-sequence a star will take at the end of its life? ! I ! : : I I I : I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I T I T T I I I f f f f f I l- HEnTzsPRUNG-RussErr Du,cRAM 26 Astronomy Actiaity Lab Manual