The Planets



Southwest University *

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Jun 24, 2024





Uploaded by olivaselias20

Alexa Olivas Professor Olgin Solar Systems 29 March 2024 The Planets 1. How and why did the orbits of the planets change over time? The orbits of planets change over time due to different factors. Gravitational forces are a big reason. These forces can happen between other planets, celestial bodies, asteroids, and comets. These are inevitable changes in the planetary systems. 2. Sketch out how Mars theoretically evolved over time, showing how it lost its water.
3. How did Jupiter alter planetary orbits and affect our solar system? Jupiter has a great gravitational influence on the entire solar system. Jupiter’s orbit is in resonance with the orbits of other planets. Resonant interactions can greatly change how planets orbit over a long time, affecting their paths, tilts, and how long they take to complete one orbit. Jupiter's strong gravity functions like a shield, deflecting or trapping numerous comets and asteroids that could otherwise collide with Earth or neighboring inner planets. This shielding is essential for preserving the stability and livability of the inner solar system over time. 4. Describe one unique feature of Saturn’s rings, and how it is hypothesized that Enceladus can host life. Saturn's rings have gaps and patterns caused by its moon's gravity. For example, the Cassini Division, a big gap between two rings, is shaped by the pull of Saturn's moon Mimas. Some scientists think that life might exist on Enceladus, one of Saturn's moons. Geysers shoot out water vapor and icy particles from its south pole. Studies show there are organic molecules in these plumes, indicating complex chemistry. Also, the Cassini spacecraft found evidence of underwater vents like those on Earth's ocean floors. These vents could support tiny life forms with energy and nutrients. That's why Enceladus is considered a top candidate for life beyond Earth in our solar system. 5. Describe one special feature about Neptune, and what did New Horizons discover at Pluto. One special feature of Neptune is its large dark storm, the Great Dark Spot, observed by the Voyager 2 spacecraft in 1989, akin to Jupiter's Great Red Spot. New Horizons flew by Pluto and found lots of important things. It discovered
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