HUM 102 Module Two Project Proposal Template
To complete this template, replace the bracketed text with your responses.
Part One: Choose the Creative Works
Describe the two creative works
Feel free to elaborate, but make sure you include these three
The topic I have chosen is mental health.
The Scream – a painting by Edward Munch
What They Don’t Tell You About Mental Illness – presentation by TEDx Talks
I chose these topics because the painting “The Scream” demonstrates a visual way that
some people show their feelings. I chose the Ted Talk “What They Don’t Tell You About
Mental Illness” because it provides an in depth explanation describing how mental
illness is an overlooked topic in todays society.
Describe how the chosen creative works can be used to understand the topic.
The subject areas of different humanities approach the topic of mental health in many different
ways. Performing arts like musicals, plays, and other performances can be used to provide
understanding and compassion for those who may be struggling. They can also be used to raise
awareness for those struggling with mental illnesses. For example plays can be used to provide
educated ways to provide help to those struggling with mental illnesses, while musicals can
provide educated ways to help someone who may be struggling with ways to find hope an dlean
to overcome their mental health problems. Visual art can be used to help others explore
emotional and physical setbacks that come with having problems stabilizing their mental health.
For example photographs and paintings can be used to help someone express their feelings
without words and initiate deeper feelings for their art. Literary arts like short stories and poems
can be used to explore how mental health issues can have consequences. For example poems
can show how abuse and trauma can lead to mental health issues, while short stories can be a
way to express how mental health can impact the feelings of family and friends.
TED. June 21,2016.
Elizabeth. What They Don’t Tell You About Mental
Munch, E. (1893).
[Painting]. Retrieved from