“The Shivering Tree”~Questions
“The Shivering Tree” is a modern retelling of a trickster tale that reflects the oral
tradition of Indigenous mythology. The story o±ers an explanation of two natural
phenomena. What are these natural phenomena?
The trickster becomes the shivering tree
Owls are nocternall because
Based on this story, how would you describe the Trickster figure in Indigenous
Compare and contrast the qualities of Nanabush and the Trickster.
Both believed they were the strongest, and were very cocky. Arrogant
What moral lesson can be drawn from the story? How is the story a cautionary tale?
Dont be to full of yourself
From what point of view is the story told? How does this contribute to the e±ectiveness
of an oral story?
Discuss the blending of the natural and supernatural world in this story. In Indigenous
Mythology what is the relationship between people and the environment? How is this
di±erent from the Christian point of view of people and the relationship to animals/the