The Story of Tyrell and Sara
Tyrell and Sara have been a couple since high school. They struggle with economic hardship due
to employment instability, high household debt, and low wages. Tyrell has an employment
history of layoffs and underemployment, and Sara has large gaps in employment due to the
birth of their three children over the past seven years. Due to their inability to provide for the
family’s basic needs, the couple and their children moved in with Tyrell’s parents which caused
strain on both families. Both Tyrell and Sara appear motivated and demonstrate a strong belief
in each other’s capabilities. Upon initial contact, the couple states that they need to find
affordable housing, stable employment, provide for their family, and increase their social
support. The couple then works with the case manager to prioritize these goals in order of
importance. For this sample plan, Tyrell and Sara begin their engagement with their case
manager on 11/1/23.
Goal #1
Objective #1
Objective # 2
Objective #3
Goal #2
Objective #1
Objective # 2
Objective #3
Goal #3
Objective #1
Objective # 2
Objective #3