SCI 100 Module Two Activity Template: Scientific Approaches and Questions
Address the following about your chosen scientific news story. Replace the bracketed text below with your responses. Use the module overview and resources for assistance. You do not need to conduct outside research.
Part One
Identify an approach to scientific research
addressed in the chosen news story.
When observing NGC 1277, they concluded that there cannot be more that 5% of dark matter within that galaxy. This is a problem due to the present cosmological models predicting that the galaxy with the same mass as NGC 1277 should have at least 10% of dark matter. They gathered this information through felid research
Part Two
Draft two research questions you are interested in asking about the main idea of your news story. Ensure that both of your questions are measurable
and focused
What is Dark matter, and what does it do?
What are relic gaxlies?