Discuss the extent to which the application of eugenics and Social Darwinism
threatened the continued existence of the indigenous people of Australia and
indicate whether this amounted to genocide or not.
Intro : Eugenics, defined as the study of or belief in the possibility of improving the
human race by selective breeding, found its way into Australian policies alongside
Social Darwinism, a theory applying Darwinian principles to human society. These
ideologies were wielded by the white settler population, creating a nexus that had
profound implications for the indigenous people of Australia. The connection
between these policies and the perilous state of the Aboriginal population raises
questions about the potential genocidal nature of these actions.
Para 1
Point: First, eugenics threatens to find...Aus, as this amounts to the culture and the
language not spreading, thus leading to a genocide of culture
Evidence: The stolen generation
Explain: Children were taken away from their families and raised
This amounted to
gen as children lost culture and there native language, result
Link: This is a key explanation of cultural and societal genocide
Para 2 + Para 3
Para 2
P oint : The study of social Darwinism revolves around..., affect the social Darwinism
had on communities affected many parts of the word especially Europe
E vidence: Sterilization of the aborigines as well as plans on breeding out the
aboriginey blood
E xplain : sterilization was implemented to prevent aborigines from having children...
goal was to strive for an aryan race... most aborigines would have children with white
people as they believed... planned on sort of washing away the aborigine bloodlin..
this would lead too... amongst aborigines children as well as adults
L ink: this links back to the effect social Darwinism has on the aborigine s community,
people and led to overall genocide of the people.
Para 3