The data presented here was collected from the observation station off of Grand Isle,
LA. From this data, we have been able to see the changes in wind direction, wind speed, air and water temperature, and pressure. The observation of these graphs has
leaded me to believe that we can see three possible frontal systems. By observing the pressure change graph, we see three drops in pressure. It is known that lower pressure correlates with storm cells or frontal systems. These three drops can lead one to assume that there were frontal systems in the area at these times. When correlating the data on the pressure graph to the air and water temperature graph, we see drops in temperature on the same days as the drops in pressure. This can lead us to further believe that these low-pressure events were in fact frontal systems. The frontal systems can also be observed on the wind speed graph. During these times of possible fronts, we see a less controlled area of wind speed. This lack