New York University *
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Aerospace Engineering
Apr 28, 2024
Uploaded by SuperHumanAtomSparrow38
Experiment 4: Pipe Flow
Date: 4/10/2023
To: Professor Sven Haverkamp and Lab TA’s
From: Joey Vivar, Lucas Botero, Charlie Calixto, David Kang, Will Lee
Course: ME-UY 3311
The purpose of this experiment was to calibrate two different types of flow meters: a Venturi as well
as a sharp-edged orifice plate. Copper tubes will be used to determine the flow velocities. The flow
rate measurement was given through the rotameter, and the flow rate through four copper tubes with
different diameters was measured. The flow properties calculations will be affected by the flow rate,
the friction, and the roughness of the pipe wall. Two of the three tubes used are straight throughout its
construction, a third tube will contain an elbow pipe section. Analyzing the construction of the pipe
can allow us to derive the energy loss (or pressure drop) and flow rate given by the elements (elbows,
values, pipes) and their specifications (diameter, length, fitting type). A portable piping system is used,
a pump is driven and provides a consistent flow rate that can be measured on a rotameter and
measuring tank; six large pipes are present, one will be connected to the manometer at a time, one will
be connected per annular chamber. The height of the water is measured from an array of manometers;
the difference between heights is denoted as the pressure drop throughout the pipe. The calculated
head loss for tube 1 are 0.148 m, 0.170 m, 0.196 m for tube 2, and 0.385 m, 0.570 m, and 0.910 m,
with 21.9%, 19.6%, and 18.6% percentage error respectively. The head loss for tube 2 for 0.4, 0.6,
and 0.8 m^3/h are as follows: 0.385, 0.57, and 0.91 m, with 82%, 75%, and 74.5% percentage errors
Elbow Pipes
The following table represents the corresponding values as shown above for which includes the
construction of an elbow pipe.
Table 1: Tube 3 (Elbow Pipe)
The following is the sample calculation for finding the equivalent length in the tube using the first row:
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The following is the plot o describe the relationship between the pressure drop and the horizontal
distance as a function:
Figure 1: Pressure vs Horizontal Distance
Straight Pipes
The following is the table for the volumetric flow rate, velocity, headloss, reynold’s number,
Darcy-Weisbach, and Moody friction factor and the corresponding percent error per tube. The
construction throughout these tubes remained straight throughout its construction.
Table 2: Tube 1 and Tube 2 (Straight Pipes)
The sample calc for the frictional factor using Darcy-Weisbach can be found by using the first pipe
with a flow rate of 2
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