


University of Southern California *

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Aerospace Engineering


Apr 27, 2024





Uploaded by ConstableWren9111

ยข Explore Problems Contest Discuss Interview v Store v LeetCode' Crash Cour: System Design for Inte Start Learning Start Learning Study Plan Top Interview 150 Must-do List for Interview Prep LeetCode 75 Ace Coding Interview with 75, Introduction to Pandas Js 30 Days of JavaScript Learn Basic Pandas in 15 Qs Learn JS Basics with 30 Qs Array 1674 String 636 HashTable 576 Math 492 Dynamic Programming 490 Algorithms B Database $> Shell S Concurrency Lists \ Difficulty v Status v Tags v = Q Status Title Solution Acceptance =] 623. Add One Row to Tree 60.8% 1757. Recyclable and Low Fat Products 89.2% 2877. Create a DataFrame from List 81.0% 176. Second Highest Salary 40.3% 175. Combine Two Tables 75.8% 197. Rising Temperature 47.2% 570. Managers with at Least 5 Direct Reports 50.7% 181. Employees Earning More Than Their Ma... 69.4% 610. Triangle Judgement 71.3% 185. Department Top Three Salaries 53.0% 584. Find Customer Referee 69.7% 1148. Article Views | 75.0% 1581. Customer Who Visited but Did Not Ma... 68.9% 166/1. Average Time of Process per Machine 66.8% 595. Big Countries 68.2% 177. Nth Highest Salary 38.0% 1164. Product Price at a Given Date 55.4% 1378. Replace Employee ID With The Unique... 82.8% 1193. Monthly Transactions | 58.1% 626. Exchange Seats 69.4% 196. Delete Duplicate Emails 61.8% 1251. Average Selling Price 41.6% 182. Duplicate Emails 71.0% 180. Consecutive Numbers 47.2% 262. Trips and Users 36.4% 1280. Students and Examinations 56.7% 1934. Confirmation Rate 57.2% 1731. The Number of Employees Which Rep... 46.0% 178. Rank Scores 62.2% 511. Game Play Analysis | 74.6% 1517. Find Users With Valid E-Mails 45.0% 184. Department Highest Salary 51.6% 2701. Consecutive Transactions with Incr... & 29.9% 577. Employee Bonus 74.9% 1070. Product Sales Analysis Il 42.5% 122 Cuictamare Wha Navar Ardar m fa 10 Seeall SQL 50 Crack SQL Interview in 50 Qs Amazon Spring '23 High I Frequency Practice Amazon 25 Recently Sorting 389 Difficulty Medium Easy Easy Medium Easy Easy Medium Easy Easy Hard Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy Medium Medium Easy Medium Medium Easy Easy Easy Medium Hard Easy Medium Easy Medium Easy Easy Medium Hard Easy Medium Facu Greedy Expand v fo e Pick One Frequency 7 12 13 8 19 20 @ 0 Redeem Rules Trending Companies > Q Amazon GEED) Facebook @3 Google EEED Microsoft @F) Uber TikTok oracle @E) Apple @) Bloomberg @) Linkedin Goldman Sachs โ‚ฌEE) Salesforce @) Adobe @D Nvidia () Walmart Labs @) tcs โ‚ฌD DoorDash @3 Airbnb @D JPMorgan @) Atlassian @) Session Anomymous & A Easy 48 155 Medium 106 Hard 1
550. Game Play Analysis IV 1204. Last Person to Fit in the Bus 1045. Customers Who Bought All Products 1141. User Activity for the Past 30 Days | 1321. Restaurant Growth 608. Tree Node 1068. Product Sales Analysis | 585. Investments in 2016 1789. Primary Department for Each Employee 601. Human Traffic of Stadium 586. Customer Placing the Largest Number ... 607. Sales Person 1174. Immediate Food Delivery Il 627. Swap Salary 1683. Invalid Tweets 1158. Market Analysis | 1050. Actors and Directors Who Cooperated... 1555. Bank Account Summary & 602. Friend Requests II: Who Has the Most F... 1341. Movie Rating 1667. Fix Names in a Table 1454. Active Users & 620. Not Boring Movies 1211. Queries Quality and Percentage 2878. Get the Size of a DataFrame 569. Median Employee Salary & 1084. Sales Analysis I 2882. Drop Duplicate Rows 1194. Tournament Winners & 1179. Reformat Department Table 1082. Sales Analysis | & 1741. Find Total Time Spent by Each Employ... 2884. Modify Columns 1270. All People Report to the Given Man. 1633. Percentage of Users Attended a Cont... 2356. Number of Unique Subjects Taught by... 1285. Find the Start and End Number of .. & 1083. Sales Analysis Il & 2883. Drop Missing Data 1212. Team Scores in Football Tournament & 1075. Project Employees | 1978. Employees Whose Manager Left the 614. Second Degree Follower & 1729. Find Followers Count 603. Consecutive Available Seats & 1907. Count Salary Categories 2889. Reshape Data: Pivot 1587. Bank Account Summary I 1484. Group Sold Products By The Date 1393. Capital Gain/Loss 2881. Create a New Column 1407. Top Travellers 2886. Change Data Type 36.2% 66.4% 61.5% 48.2% 49.0% 721% 81.9% 47.6% 63.9% 48.6% 64.8% 65.7% 50.3% 83.2% 85.1% 57.0% 69.9% 51.1% 57.3% 39.8% 61.8% 36.7% 73.5% 49.7% 84.6% 65.8% 46.6% 84.5% 49.0% 77.4% 74.2% 86.9% 91.1% 84.9% 55.2% 87.6% 82.3% 49.6% 64.0% 55.7% 61.0% 47.6% 38.5% 68.9% 66.2% 57.8% 80.2% 83.5% 76.7% 85.5% 89.6% 57.9% 86.6% i Medium Medium Medium Easy Medium Medium Easy Medium Easy Hard Easy Easy Medium Easy Easy Medium Easy Medium Medium Medium Easy Medium Easy Easy Easy Hard Easy Easy Hard Easy Easy Easy Easy Medium Easy Easy Medium Easy Easy Medium Easy Easy Medium Easy Easy Medium Easy Easy Easy Medium Easy Easy Easy
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