Quiz 3 Managerial Accounting Study Guide



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Apr 3, 2024





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Quiz #3 – Managerial Accounting - Chapters 6, 7, 8 and 9 This Quiz contains 30 multiple choice questions. You will have 3 hours to complete this exam. 77. Offshore Company makes 2 different types of boats, sail and fishing boats. The company consists of two different departments, design & engineering and production. The company has decided to allocate overhead costs in each of the two cost pools. Data on estimated overhead follows: Estimated Sail Fish Activity: Driver Overhead Cost Estimate Estimate Design # of designs $180,000 22 designs 23 designs Production Labor hours $994,000 4,500 hours 2,500 hours What overhead rates will be used in each department to assign costs to the sail boats? Design Production A. $8,182 $220.89 B. $88,000 $639,000 C. $4,000 $142.00 D. $4,000 $220.89 78. Offshore Company makes 2 different types of boats sail and fishing boats. The company consists of two different departments, design & engineering, and production. The company has decided to allocate overhead costs in each of the two cost pools. Data on estimated overhead follows: Estimated Sail Fishing Activity: Driver Overhead Cost Estimate Estimate Design # of designs $180,000 22 designs 18 designs Production Labor hours $945,000 4,000 hours 3,500 hours If the company produces and sells 22 sail boats, and each sail boat requires 180 labor hours, how much overhead will be assigned to each sail boat produced? A. $27,180 B $22,680 C $36,900 D. $32,400 79. Mementos Gift Shop produces vases. Utility costs are allocated to products based on the amount of time spent on the pottery wheel. Utility costs of $3,000 per month are budgeted and the store anticipates spending 7,500 minutes on the pottery wheel each month. If a vase uses 18 minutes on the pottery wheel how much of the utility costs will be allocated to each vase? A. $72.00 B. $4.50 C. $45.00 D. $7.20
80. Bristle Company produces brooms. Utility costs are allocated to products based on a percentage of material costs. Utility costs of $15,000 per month are budgeted and the store anticipates spending $30,000 in materials. By the end of the month, it was determined that actual utility costs were $14,500. If the company spends $6.50 per broom for materials, how much of the utility costs will be allocated to each broom? A. $0.50 B. $0.48 C. $3.14 D. $3.25 81. AC Consulting Company has purchased a new $15,000 copier. This overhead cost will be shared by the purchasing, accounting, and information technology departments since those are the only departments which will be able to access the machine. The company has decided to allocate the cost based on the number of copies made by each department. The copier is estimated to provide 1 million copies over its life. Each department has estimated the number of copies which will be made in their department over the life of the copier. Department Copies Purchasing 350,000 Accounting 200,000 Information Tech 400,000 How much overhead will be allocated each time a copy is made if cost allocations are computed to 4 significant digits? A. $63.3333 B. $0.0158 C. $66.6667 D. $0.0150 82. AC Consulting Company has purchased a new $18,038 copier. This overhead cost will be shared by the purchasing, accounting, and information technology departments since those are the only departments which will be able to access the machine. The company has decided to allocate the cost based on the number of copies made by each department. Each department has estimated the number of copies which will be made over the life of the copier. Department Copies Purchasing 250,000 Accounting 300,000 Information Tech 425,000 If cost allocations are computed to 4 significant digits and the purchasing department makes 58,000 copies this year, how much overhead will be allocated to purchasing? A. $4,185 B. $4,624 C. $77,750
D. $1,073
83. Sierra Company allocates the estimated $200,000 of its accounting department costs to its production and sales departments since the accounting department supports the other two departments particularly with regard to payroll and accounts payable functions. The costs will be allocated based on the number of employees using the direct method. Information regarding costs and employees follows: Department Employees Accounting 4 Production 36 Sales 12 How much of the accounting department costs will be allocated to the production and sales departments? Employees Department A. $150,000 $50,000 B. $180,000 $60,000 C. $1,800,000 $600,000 D. $22,222 $66,667 84. Road Masters Trucking Company allocates the rent costs and dispatcher’s salaries to their different service departments on the basis of miles driven. Estimated costs and miles driven are summarized below: Rent $20,000 Dispatcher salaries $45,000 Local Delivery 620,000 miles Long-Haul 1,450,000 miles If cost allocations are computed to 4 significant digits, how much of the rent and salaries costs will be allocated to the long-haul department? Rent Salaries A. $14,065 $31,465 B. $31,465 $14,065 C. $6,000 $13,500 D. $13,500 $6,000 85. The Dennison Company makes alarm clocks. Information on the product is as follows: Sales $180,000 Direct materials 60,000 Direct labor 20,000 Overhead costs are allocated at the rate of 120% of material costs. How much are total company profits? A. $28,000 B. $37,000
C. $100,000 D. $40,000 86. The building maintenance department for Jones Manufacturing Company budgets annual costs of $4,200,000 based on the expected operating level for the coming year. The costs are allocated to two production departments. The following data relate to the potential allocation bases: Production Dept. 1 Production Dept. 2 Square footage 15,000 45,000 Direct labor hours 25,000 50,000 If Jones assigns costs to departments based on square footage, how much total costs will be allocated to Production Department 1? A. $1,400,000 B. $1,050,000 C. $1,575,000 D. $2,100,000 87. The building maintenance department for Jones Manufacturing Company budgets annual costs of $4,200,000 based on the expected operating level for the coming year. The costs are allocated to two production departments. The following data relate to the potential allocation bases: Production Dept. 1 Production Dept. 2 Square footage 15,000 45,000 Direct labor hours 25,000 50,000 If Jones assigns costs to departments based on direct labor hours, how much total costs will be allocated to Production Department 2? A. $1,400,000 B. $1,050,000 C. $2,800,000 D. $2,100,000
88. Sweet Products produces mint syrup used by gum and candy companies. Recently, the company has had excess capacity due to a foreign supplier entering its market. Sweet Products is currently bidding on a potential order from Red Sugar Candy for 5,000 cases of syrup. The estimated cost of each case is $27.50, as follows: direct material, $10; direct labor, $5; and manufacturing overhead, $12.50. The overhead rate of $2.50 per direct labor dollar is based on estimated annual overhead of $1,500,000 and estimated direct labor of $600,000, composed of $400,000 of variable costs and $1,100,000 of fixed costs. The largest fixed cost relates to depreciation of plant and equipment. With respect to overhead, how much is the variable cost of producing a case of syrup? A. $13.33 B. $15.00 C. $18.33 D. $17.50 89. Sweet Products produces mint syrup used by gum and candy companies. Recently, the company has had excess capacity due to a foreign supplier entering its market. Sweet Products is currently bidding on a potential order from Red Sugar Candy for 5,000 cases of syrup. The estimated cost of each case is $27.50, as follows: direct material, $10; direct labor, $5; and manufacturing overhead, $12.50. The overhead rate of $2.50 per direct labor dollar is based on estimated annual overhead of $1,500,000 and estimated direct labor of $600,000, composed of $400,000 of variable costs and $1,100,000 of fixed costs. The largest fixed cost relates to depreciation of plant and equipment. Should Sweet Products bid on the Red Sugar Candy business at $20 per case? A. No, because the incremental loss will be $7.50 per case. B. Yes, because the incremental profit will be $1.67 per case. C. No, because there are too many qualitative considerations. D. Yes, because the incremental profit will be $2.50 per case. 90. Kind, Meek, and Clean, attorneys-at-law, specialize in three areas: criminal, civil, and family law. When specifications for a new computer system were established, the partners agreed to allocate usage based on each department’s needs. Criminal law division needed 60% of the capacity, civil law 25%, and family law 15%. Variable costs for the computer department would be allocated on the number of computer minutes each division used. The computer department’s budgeted fixed costs are $700,000, and the budgeted variable costs $150,000. The firm estimates that 400,000 minutes of computer time will be used year. The criminal law division actually used 190,000 minutes of computer time. How much total computer department costs will be allocated to the criminal law division? (Compute cost allocation rates to 3 significant digits.) A. $403,750 B. $510,000 C. $90,000 D. $491,250
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