Under Circular 230, Charles is responsible for informing Clara, the widow, that the attorney is significantly overcharging her. Circular 230 mandates that individuals representing taxpayers before the IRS adhere to legal and ethical standards. Specifically, Circular 10.27(B)(a) prohibits practitioners from charging unconscionable fees. Given the attorney's exploitation of Clara's financial naivety by overcharging her and offering Charles a kickback, Charles must notify Clara of the situation and caution the attorney about the unethical nature of his actions.
The potential ethical issues in this scenario are evident. "Ethics may be defined as the application of moral philosophy to addressing questions of right and wrong" (Madhloom, 2022, p. 1139). The attorney lacks integrity and behaves deceitfully. By exploiting Clara's vulnerability
and attempting to conceal his actions with a kickback offer, the attorney demonstrates a disregard for ethical principles.
The AICPA Code of Professional Conduct applies to this situation. "The International Ethics Standards Board of Accountants (IESBA) calls integrity "the principle (which) imposes an obligation on all professional accountants to be straightforward and honest in all professional and business relationships" and notes that it "implies fair dealing and truthfulness" (Jelinek et al.,
R. (2023, p. 122). The attorney's deceptive behavior and attempt to manipulate Charles with a bribe violate the integrity and objectivity expected of professionals. Emphasizing the importance of not misrepresenting information, it highlights the obligation to maintain honesty and transparency in professional dealings.
A relevant biblical principle in Proverbs 11:3 states, "The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity" (Proverbs 11:3 NIV - - Bible Gateway, n.d.). This verse emphasizes the importance of integrity in guiding one's actions. Charles should adhere to this principle, prioritizing honesty and righteousness over any potential financial benefits the attorney offers. Reporting the attorney's misconduct not only upholds ethical standards but also preserves Charles's integrity and trustworthiness in his work.
In summary, Charles must inform Clara of the attorney's unethical behavior and uphold the ethical standards outlined in Circular 230 and the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct. By prioritizing integrity and transparency, Charles can protect Clara from exploitation and maintain his reputation as a trustworthy professional.