ACCT Exam 4 Sample Study Questions + Answers



New Mexico State University *

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Jun 27, 2024





Uploaded by ConstableDolphin2195

Question 31: Activity-Based Costing (ABC) A company produces three products, each requiring different levels of activity cost drivers: Product X: Requires 10 setups and 20 machine hours. Product Y: Requires 5 setups and 30 machine hours. Product Z: Requires 8 setups and 25 machine hours. Total overhead costs are $150,000, with setup costs totaling $50,000 and machine hour costs totaling $100,000. Calculate the activity rates for setups and machine hours. Solution: Setup activity rate = Setup costs / Total setups required = $50,000 / (10 + 5 + 8) = $50,000 / 23 ≈ $2,174.78 per setup Machine hour activity rate = Machine hour costs / Total machine hours required = $100,000 / (20 + 30 + 25) = $100,000 / 75 = $1,333.33 per machine hour Question 32: Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) Analysis A company sells a product for $80 per unit. Variable costs are $50 per unit, and fixed costs total $120,000. Calculate the breakeven point in units and dollars. Solution: Contribution margin per unit = Selling price per unit - Variable cost per unit = $80 - $50 = $30 per unit Breakeven point in units = Fixed costs / Contribution margin per unit = $120,000 / $30 = 4,000 units Breakeven point in dollars = Breakeven point in units × Selling price per unit = 4,000 units × $80 = $320,000 Question 33: Variance Analysis A company budgeted to produce 10,000 units with total direct labor costs of $100,000. Actual production was 9,500 units with actual direct labor costs of $97,000. Calculate the direct labor rate variance and direct labor efficiency variance. Solution: Direct labor rate variance = (Actual rate - Standard rate) × Actual hours = ($97,000 / 9,500 units - $100,000 / 10,000 units) × 9,500 units = ($10.21 - $10.00) × 9,500 units = $1,995 favorable variance Direct labor efficiency variance = (Actual hours - Standard hours) × Standard rate = (9,500 units - 10,000 units) × $10.00 per unit = (-500 units) × $10.00 per unit = $5,000 unfavorable variance
Question 34: Performance Measurement Define Economic Value Added (EVA) and explain its significance in evaluating company performance. Solution: Economic Value Added (EVA) = Net Operating Profit After Tax (NOPAT) - (Capital × Cost of Capital) NOPAT = Operating income - Taxes Capital = Total assets - Current liabilities Cost of Capital = Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) EVA measures a company's financial performance by calculating the return on invested capital above the company's cost of capital. It helps assess whether a company is creating value for its shareholders. Question 35: Budgeting Prepare a sales budget for XYZ Company for the second quarter of the year. XYZ expects the following: April sales: $150,000 May sales: $180,000 June sales: $200,000 Sales are typically collected 40% in the month of sale, 30% in the following month, and 30% in the second following month. Solution: Sales Budget for XYZ Company (Second Quarter) April May June Total Sales $150,000 $180,000 $200,000 $530,000 Cash collections April $60,000 $24,000 $0 $84,000 May $54,000 $60,000 $60,000 $174,000 June $60,000 $54,000 $60,000 $174,000 Total cash collections $174,000 $138,000 $120,000 $432,000 Question 36: Transfer Pricing A company has two divisions: Division M (selling division) and Division N (buying division). Division M can sell a product externally for $120 per unit. Division N can produce the same product internally at a variable cost of $80 per unit. Determine an appropriate transfer price based on cost-plus pricing.
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