Regular Verbs vs. Irregular Verbs When “-ed” or “-d” is added to a verb to form its past tense or past participle, then such verbs are called regular verbs. The past tense and the past participle of regular verbs are usually identical to the verb itself.  Below are some examples of regular verbs:  Regular Verb […]
Meaning of Causative Verbs Causative verbs are verbs used to indicate any action being performed by someone for someone else. They are also known as causal verbs or causatives.  Causative verbs can be in the past, present, or future tense, indicating action that has already happened, is happening, or is yet to happen. Causative Verbs […]
Types of Verbs
In the English language, all sentences and phrases need verbs. Verbs are words that refer to actions (doing things) and to states of being (how things are.) Eating, sleeping, crying, washing, etc. are examples of verbs. Verbs are critical in grammar, and there are many different types. Because of their ubiquity and importance, it is […]
Verb Tenses
What can verbs do? Tell stories. Make up excuses. Help you lie to your boss. Explain what crazy thing your dog did last night. Make your ex-boyfriend jealous. Give directions. Ask questions. Explain a recipe. Write song lyrics. Recap a season for your friend who fell behind. And much, much, more. Verbs, or action words, […]
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