What is Juxtaposition?arrow_forward
A juxtaposition is defined as a literary device highlighting the difference or resemblance between two ideas or objects by placing them together. The qualities of the compared themes and objects are enhanced due to their proximity. Despite the majority of examples being opposites or divergent ideas, they’re not limited to mere contrast. The word “juxtaposition” […]
Simile: Definition and Examplesarrow_forward
What is a Simile? A simile is defined as figurative language involving the comparison of two unrelated things. It is called a simile because it originates from the Latin word “similis.” It has often been used in novels, poems, and even songs. The usage of a simile makes an average sentence more interesting to a […]
Oxymoron: Definition and Examplesarrow_forward
What is an Oxymoron? An oxymoron is defined as a figure of speech that ties two words having contradictory meanings together to bring about literary impact. The effect brought about by an oxymoron allows writers to effectively communicate subtle details. Some of them might not make sense at first glance, but they enable the reader […]
Figurative language is language that goes beyond the literal meaning and conventional usage of words. It commonly appears in poetry, drama, prose, and speeches where it serves a variety of purposes – describing complex emotions, providing evocative comparisons, eliciting an emotion, comparing two dissimilar ideas, making it easier to visualize descriptions, amplifying the intended message […]
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