Solutions for University Physics Volume 1
Problem 7.1CYU:
Check Your Understanding Can kinetic friction ever be a constant force for all paths?Problem 7.2CYU:
Check Your Understanding Can Earth’s gravity ever be a constant force for all paths?Problem 7.3CYU:
Check Your Understanding Find the work done by the same force in Example 7.4 over a cubic path,...Problem 7.4CYU:
Check Your Understanding The spring Example 7.5 is compressed 6 cm from its equilibrium length. (a)...Problem 7.5CYU:
Check Your Understanding (a) A car and a truck each moving with the same kinetic energy. Assume that...Problem 7.6CYU:
Check Your Understanding You are rowing a boat parallel to the banks of a river. Your kinetic energy...Problem 7.7CYU:
Check Your Understanding suppose the radius of the loop-the-loop in Example 7.9 is 15 cm and the toy...Problem 7.8CYU:
Check Your Understanding Estimate the power expended by a weightlifter raising a 150-kg barbell 2 m...Problem 1CQ:
Give an example of something we think of as work in everyday circumstances that is not work in the...Problem 2CQ:
Give an example of a situation in which there is a force and a displacement, but the force does no...Problem 3CQ:
Describe a situation in 4iich a force is exerted for a long time but does no work. Explain.Problem 4CQ:
A body moves in a circle at constant speed. Does the centripetal force that accelerates the body do...Problem 5CQ:
Suppose you throw a ball upward and catch it when it returns at the same height. How much work does...Problem 6CQ:
Why is it more difficult to do sit-ups while on a slant board than on a horizontal surface? (See...Problem 7CQ:
As a young man, Tarzan climbed up a vine to reach his tree house. As he got older, he decided to...Problem 8CQ:
A particle of m has a velocity of . Is its kinetic energy given by ? If not, what is the correct...Problem 9CQ:
One particle has mass mand a second particle has mass 2m . The second particle is moving with speed...Problem 10CQ:
A person drops a pebble of mass m1from a height h, and it hits the floor with kinetic energy K. The...Problem 11CQ:
The person shown below does work on the lawn mower. Under what conditions would the mower gain...Problem 12CQ:
Work done on a system puts energy into it. Work done by a system removes energy from it. Give an...Problem 13CQ:
Two marbles of masses mand 2mare dropped from a height h. Compare their kinetic energies when they...Problem 14CQ:
Compare the work required to accelerate a car of mass 2000 kg from 30.0 to 400 km/h with that...Problem 15CQ:
Suppose you are jogging at constant velocity. Are you doing any work on the environment and vice...Problem 16CQ:
Two forces act to double the speed of a particle, initially moving with kinetic energy of 1 J. One...Problem 17CQ:
Most electrical appliances are rated in watts. Does this rating depend on how long the appliance is...Problem 18CQ:
Explain, in terms of the definition of power, why energy consumption is sometimes listed in...Problem 19CQ:
A spark of static electricity, such as that you might receive from a doorknob on a cold dry day, may...Problem 20CQ:
Does the work done in lifting an object depend on how fast it is lifted? Does the power expended...Problem 21CQ:
Can the power expended by a force be negative?Problem 23P:
Work How much work does a supermarket checkout attendant do on a can of sip he pushes 0.600 m...Problem 24P:
A 75.0-kg person climbs stairs, gaining 2.50 m in height. Find the work done to accomplish this...Problem 25P:
(a) Calculate the work done on a 1500-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 40.0 m at constant...Problem 26P:
Suppose a car travels 108 km at a speed of 30.0 m/s, and uses 2.0 gal of gasoline. Only 30 of the...Problem 27P:
Calculate the work done by an 85.0-kg man who pushes a crate 4.00 m up along a ramp that makes an...Problem 28P:
How much work is done by the boy pulling his sister 30.0 m in a wagon as shown below? Assume no...Problem 29P:
A shopper pushes a grocery cart 20.0 m at constant speed on level ground, against a 35.0 N...Problem 30P:
Suppose the ski patrol lowers a rescue sled and victim, having a total mass of 90.0 kg, down a 60.00...Problem 31P:
A constant 20-N force pushes a small ball in the direction of the force over a distance of 5.0 m....Problem 32P:
A toy cart is pulled a distance of 6.0 m in a straight line across the floor. The force pulling the...Problem 33P:
A 5.0-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and...Problem 34P:
A sled plus passenger with total mass 50 kg is pulled 20 m across the snow (K=0.20) at constant...Problem 35P:
Suppose that the sled plus passenger of the preceding problem is pushed 20 m across the snow at...Problem 37P:
How much work is done against the gravitationaI force on a 5.0-kg briefcase when it is carried from...Problem 38P:
It takes 500 J of work to compress a spring 10 cm. What is the force constant of the spring?Problem 39P:
A bungee cord is essentially a very long rubber band that can stretch up to four times its...Problem 40P:
A bungee cord exerts a nonlinear elastic force of magnitude where is the distance the cord is...Problem 41P:
Engineers desire to model the magnitude of the elastic force of a bungee cord using the equation...Problem 42P:
A particle moving in the xy -plane is subject to a force F(x,y)=(50Nm2)(xi+yj)( x 2 + y 2 )3/2 ,...Problem 43P:
A particle moves along a curved path y(x)=(10m){1+cos[0.1m1]x} , from x=0 to x=10m , subject to a...Problem 44P:
Kinetic Energy Compare the kinetic energy of a 20,000-kg truck moving at 110 km/h with that of an...Problem 45P:
(a) How fast must a 3000-kg elephant move to have the same kinetic energy as a 65.0-kg sprinter...Problem 46P:
Estimate the kinetic energy of a 90,000-ton aircraft carrier moving at a speed of at 30 knots. You...Problem 47P:
Calculate the kinetic energies of (a) a 2000.0-kg automobile moving at 100.0 km/h; (b) an 80.-kg...Problem 48P:
A 5.0-kg body has three times the kinetic energy of an 8.0-kg body. Calculate the ratio of the...Problem 49P:
An 8.0-g bullet has a speed of 800 m/s. (a) What is its kinetic energy? (b) What is its kinetic...Problem 50P:
(a) Calculate the force needed to bring a 950-kg car to rest from a speed of 90.0 km/h in a distance...Problem 51P:
A car’s bumper is designed to withstand a 4.0-km/ h (1.1-m/s) collision with an immovable object...Problem 52P:
Boxing gloves are padded to lessen the force of a blow. (a) Calculate the force exerted by a boxing...Problem 53P:
Using energy considerations, calculate the average force a 60.0-kg sprinter exerts backward on the...Problem 54P:
A 5.0-kg box has an acceleration of 2.0m/s2 when it is pulled by a horizontal force across a surface...Problem 55P:
A constant 10-N horizontal force is applied to a 20-kg cart at rest on a level floor. If friction is...Problem 56P:
In the preceding problem, the 10-N force is applied at an angle of 45 below the horizontal. What is...Problem 57P:
Compare the work required to stop a 100-kg crate sliding at 1.0 m/s and an 8.0-g bullet traveling at...Problem 58P:
A wagon with its passenger sits at the top of a hill. The wagon is given a slight push and rolls 100...Problem 59P:
An 8.0-g bullet with a speed of 800 m/s is shot in to a wooden block and penetrates 20 cm before...Problem 60P:
A 2.0-kg block starts with a speed of 10 m/s at the bottom of a plane inclined at 37 to the...Problem 61P:
When a 3.0-kg block is pushed against a massless spring of force constant constant 4.5103N/m , the...Problem 62P:
A small block of mass 200 g starts at rest at A, slides to B where its speed is then slides along...Problem 63P:
A small object is placed at the top of an incline that is essentially frictionless. The object...Problem 64P:
When released, a 100-g block slides down the path shown below, reaching the bottom with a speed of...Problem 65P:
A 0.22LR-caliber bullet like that mentioned in Example 7.10 is fired into a door made of a single...Problem 66P:
A sled stalls from rest at the top of a snow-covered incline that makes a 22 angle with the...Problem 67P:
A person in good physical condition can put out 100 W of useful power for several hours at a...Problem 68P:
What is the cost of operating a 3.00-W electric clock for a year if the cost of electricity is...Problem 69P:
A large household air conditioner may consume 15.0 kW of power. What Is the cost of operating this...Problem 70P:
(a) What is the average power consumption in watts of an appliance that uses 5.00kWh of energy per...Problem 71P:
(a) What is the average useful power output of a person who does 6.00106J of useful work in 8.00 h?...Problem 72P:
A 500-kg dragster accelerates from rest to a final speed of 110 m/s in 400 m (about a quarter of a...Problem 73P:
(a) How long will it take an 850-kg car with a useful power output of 40.0 hp (1 hp equals 746 W) to...Problem 74P:
(a) Fir the useful power output of an elevator motor that Lifts a 2500-kg load a height of 35.0 m in...Problem 75P:
(a) How long would it take a 1.50105kg airplane with engines that produce 100 MW of power to reach a...Problem 76P:
Calculate the power output needed for a 950-kg car to climb a 2.00 slope at a constant 30.0 m/s...Problem 77P:
A man of mass 80 kg runs up a flight of stairs 20 m high in 10 s. (a) how much power is used to lift...Problem 78P:
The man of the preceding problem consumes approximately 1.05107J (2500 food calories) of energy per...Problem 79P:
An electron in a television tube is accelerated uniformly from rest to a speed of 8.4107 m/s over a...Problem 80P:
Coal is lifted out of a mine a vertical distance of 50 m by an engine that supplies 500 W to a...Problem 81P:
A girl pulls her 15-kg wagon along a flat sidewalk by applying a 10-N force at 37 to the horizontal....Problem 82P:
A typical automobile engine has an efficiency of 25 . Suppose that the engine of a 1000-kg...Problem 83P:
When jogging at 13 km/h on a level surface, a 70-kg man uses energy at a rate of approximately 850...Problem 84AP:
A cart is pulled a distance D on a flat, horizontal surface by a constant farce F that acts at an...Problem 85AP:
Consider a particle on which several forces act, one of which is known to be constant in time: . As...Problem 86AP:
Consider a particle on which several forces act, one of which is known to be constant in time: . As...Problem 87AP:
Consider a particle on which several forces act, one of which is known to be constant in time: . As...Problem 88AP:
Consider a particle on which a force acts that depends on the position of the particle. This force...Problem 89AP:
A boy pulls a 5-kg cart with a 20-N force at an angle of 30 above the horizontal for a length of...Problem 90AP:
A crate of mass 200 kg is to be bright from a site on the ground floor to a third floor apartment....Problem 91AP:
At hokey puck of mass 0.17 kg is shot across a rough floor with the roughness different at different...Problem 92AP:
A horizontal force of 20 N is required to keep a 5.0 kg box traveling at a constant speed up a...Problem 93AP:
A 7.0-kg box slides along a horizontal frictionless floor at 1.7 m/s and collides with a relatively...Problem 94AP:
You are driving your car on a straight road with a coefficient of friction between the tires and the...Problem 95AP:
A crate is being pushed across a rough floor surface. If no force is applied on the crate, the crate...Problem 96AP:
Suppose a horizontal force of 20 N is required to maintain a speed of 8 m/s of a 50 kg crate. (a)...Problem 97AP:
Grains from a hopper falls at a rate of 10 kg/s vertically onto a conveyor belt that is moving...Problem 98AP:
A cyclist in a race must climb a 5 hill at a speed of 8 m/s. If the mass of the bike and the biker...Problem 99CP:
Shown below is a 40-kg crate that is pushed at constant velocity a distance 8.0 m along a 30 Incline...Problem 100CP:
The surface of the preceding problem is modified so that the coefficient of kinetic friction is...Problem 101CP:
The force F(x) varies with position, as shown beolow Find the work done by this force on a particle...Problem 102CP:
Find the work done by the same force in Example 7.4, between the same points, A=(0,0) and B=(2m,2m)...Problem 103CP:
Answer the preceding problem using polar coordinates.Problem 104CP:
Find the work done by the same force in Example 7.4, between the same points, A=(0,0) and B=(2m,2m)...Problem 105CP:
Answer the preceding problem using polar coordinates.Problem 106CP:
Constant power P is delivered to a car of mass m by its engine. Show that If air resistance can be...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Units And MeasurementChapter 2 - VectorsChapter 3 - Motion Along A Straight LineChapter 4 - Motion In Two And Three DimensionsChapter 5 - Newton's Law Of MotionChapter 6 - Applications Of Newton's LawsChapter 7 - Work And Kinetic EnergyChapter 8 - Potential Energy And Conservation Of EnergyChapter 9 - Linear Momentum And CollisionsChapter 10 - Fixed-axis Rotation
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