Survey Of Economics - 5th Edition - by Irvin B. Tucker - ISBN 9780324319729

Survey Of Economics
5th Edition
Irvin B. Tucker
Publisher: Cengage South-Western
ISBN: 9780324319729

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Book Details

This highly successful 5th edition text makes basic economics readable, sensible, and interesting by placing an emphasis on application and student learning. This book provides the most comprehensive and pedagogically-rich treatment of introductory economics available for the non-majors course. It focuses on the most basic tools in economics and applies them clearly to explain real-world economic issues. Better than any other text, Tucker implements teaching tools and methodologies that drive the student learning process and development of critical analysis skills. The 5th edition is known for its lively and informative writing style; emphasis on critical thinking; applications; active learning environment; use of unique, highly motivational, student-oriented pedagogy; unparalleled visual learning support; and numerous in-chapter review and application opportunities.


  • NEW! A new formula for computing national income in Chapter 11 on Gross Domestic Product provides students with a new technique for calculating this important statistic.
  • Tucker Xtra! Online Study Tools: Free access to the Tucker Xtra! Web site is available to be packaged with every new copy of the text. Xtra! provides students with a robust set of additional online learning tools, including CNN video applications, "Ask the Instructor" lecture video clips, and numerous practice quizzes, as well as The Graphing Workshop, a one-stop learning resource for help in mastering the language of graphs.
  • Unique Motivational Pedagogy: Irvin Tucker is a national award-winning teacher and active in economic education. He implements this expertise by using features that spark interactive reading and critical thinking as well as superior visual reinforcement of concepts to greatly enhance the student learning process.
  • Clear, Concise and Straightforward: All the essential topics are covered in-depth, but the number of topics is carefully limited to those appropriate for the non-majors course focusing on the basic tools of supply and demand analysis.
  • Careers in Economics Discussion: A discussion of the potential careers in economics has been added to Chapter 1 to give students a view of economics as a career path and to help departments recruit possible majors.
  • Visual Learning: Special attention to graphs includes the implementation of unique "Causation Chains". These boxed diagrams illustrate what is happening in each graph in terms of a simple flow chart. They show the cause/effect relationships occurring and help summarize complex economic relationships in a simple and visual way. End-of-chapter "Visual Summaries" pair graphs and "Causation Chains" with key chapter concepts to add a visual element to the review of important points and to emphasize the graphs that are most important to the chapter.
  • Critical Analysis Opportunities: "Economics in Practice" boxes give students the opportunity to encounter timely real-world extensions of economic theory. Following each boxed article, "Analyze the Issue" questions call for students to apply their understanding of economic concepts to the boxed excerpt. These features have been updated as appropriate to provide fresh examples or to update classic examples with the latest developments.
  • Integrated Self-Assessment: "You Make the Call" features provide opportunities for students to check concept understanding by asking a challenging, thought-provoking, real-world question. Students can check their answer at the end of the chapter. Additionally, multiple choice "Practice Quizzes" function as a built-in study guide at the end of each chapter. Answers are at the end of the text, and unique visual explanations of the answers can be found at the book's Web site.
  • International Perspective: "International Economics" boxed features give students an idea of not just how the U.S. economy functions, but the international economy as well.
  • Internet Applications: Throughout each chapter, "Internet Margin Notes" integrate on-line materials that enhance the topics being presented. "On the Internet" end-of-chapter questions have students practice their analytical skills by applying concepts to real-world, on-line information and data.
  • NEW! A new discussion of game theory in Chapter 9 on monopolistic competition and oligopoly expands the coverage of this important topic.
  • NEW! The new exhibit in the appendix to Chapter 14 on aggregate demand and supply. This exhibit explains an increase in both the aggregate demand and long-run aggregate supply curves for instructors that would like to further emphasize these topics.
  • NEW! A new causation chain exhibit for the concept of opportunity cost in Chapter 2 on production possibilities. This exhibit further expands the coverage of this important topic.
  • NEW! New exhibit in Chapter 17 on federal deficits, surpluses, and the national debt. This important exhibit displays the federal deficits and surpluses as a percentage of GDP over recent years – keeping this key topic very current.
  • NEW! new exhibit in Chapter 21 on international trade and finance .With the U.S. trade deficit at an all time high, this exhibit shows the countries with the largest trade deficits with the U.S..
  • NEW! New exhibit in Chapter 21 on international trade and finance. This exhibit shows changes in the average tariff rate over the years and further emphasizes the importance of international economics.
  • NEW! New appendix to Chapter 20 on monetary policy. This new appendix explains the impact of fiscal and monetary policy using the self-correcting aggregate demand and supply model.
  • NEW! Updated Coverage: New coverage includes updates on the latest economic issues, including the euro, Social Security reform, the California energy crisis, 9/11, and the stock market making the 5th edition one of the most current in the marketplace.

More Editions of This Book

Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:

Survey of Economics
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Survey Of Economics (available Titles Coursemate)
7th Edition
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11th Edition
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11th Edition
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11th Edition
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Survey of Economics (MindTap Course List)
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10th Edition
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Survey Of Economics
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