Solutions for Statistics For The Behavioral And Social Sciences: A Brief Course, Books A La Carte (6th Edition) (what's New In Psychology)
Problem 1.1HD:
A father rates his daughter as a 2 on a 7-point scale (from 1 to 7) of crankiness. In this example,...Problem 1.3HD:
Give the level of measurement of each of the following variables: (a) a person’s nationality...Problem 2.1HD:
What is a frequency table?
Problem 2.2HD:
Why would a researcher want to make a frequency table?
Problem 2.4HD:
What does a grouped frequency table group?
Problem 3.1HD:
Why do researchers make histograms?
Problem 3.2HD:
When making a histogram from a frequency table, (a) what goes along the bottom, (b) what goes along...Problem 3.3HD:
Make a histogram based on the following frequency table:
Problem 3.4HD:
How is a histogram based on a nominal variable different from one based on a numeric equal-interval...Problem 4.1HD:
Describe the difference between a unimodal and multimodal distribution in terms of (a) a frequency...Problem 4.4HD:
When a distribution is described as being peaked or flat, what is it being compared to?
Problem 1PP:
A client rates her satisfaction with her vocational counselor as a 3 on a 4-point scale from 1 = not...Problem 2PP:
Give the level of measurement for each of the following variables: (a) ethnic group to which a...Problem 3PP:
A particular block in a suburban neighborhood has 20 households. The number of children in these...Problem 4PP:
Fifty students were asked how many hours they studied this weekend. Here are their answers:
11, 2,...Problem 5PP:
These are the scores on a test of sensitivity to smell taken by 25 chefs attending a national...Problem 6PP:
The following data are the number of minutes it took each of a group of 34 10-year-olds to do a...Problem 8PP:
Make up and draw an example of each of the following distributions: (a) symmetrical, (b)...Problem 9PP:
Explain to a person who has never had a course in statistics what is meant by (a) a symmetrical...Problem 10PP:
McKee and Ptacek (2001) asked 90 college students about a time they had delivered bad news to...Problem 11PP:
A participant in a cognitive psychology study is given 50 words to remember and later asked to...Problem 12PP:
Explain and give an example for each of the following types of variables: (a) equal-interval, (b)...Problem 13PP:
An organizational psychologist asks 20 employees in a company to rate their job satisfaction on a...Problem 14PP:
A social psychologist asked 15 college students how many times they “fell in love” before they were...Problem 15PP:
Following are the speeds of 40 cars clocked by radar on a particular road in a 35-mph zone on a...Problem 16PP:
Here are the number of holiday gifts purchased by 25 families randomly interviewed at a local mall...Problem 18PP:
Explain to a person who has never taken a course in statistics the meaning of a grouped frequency...Problem 19PP:
Make up and draw an example of each of the following distributions: (a) symmetrical, (b)...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Displaying The Order In A Group Of Numbers Using Tables And GraphsChapter 2 - Central Tendency And VariabilityChapter 3 - Some Key Ingredients For Inferential StatisticsChapter 4 - Introduction To Hypothesis TestingChapter 5 - Hypothesis Tests With Means Of SamplesChapter 6 - Making Sense Of Statistical SignificanceChapter 7 - Introduction To T TestsChapter 8 - The T Test For Independent MeansChapter 9 - Introduction To The Analysis Of VarianceChapter 10 - Factorial Analysis Of Variance
Chapter 11 - CorrelationChapter 12 - PredictionChapter 13 - Chi-square TestsChapter 14 - Strategies When Population Distributions Are Not NormalChapter 15 - The General Linear Model And Making Sense Of Advanced Statistical Procedures In Research ArticlesChapter W4 - Integration And The General Linear Model
Sample Solutions for this Textbook
We offer sample solutions for Statistics For The Behavioral And Social Sciences: A Brief Course, Books A La Carte (6th Edition) (what's New In Psychology) homework problems. See examples below:
Chapter 1, Problem 1.1HDIn statistics central tendency is a central value for a probability distribution. It may also be...Z score: The Z score is the number of standard deviations that a score is above or below the mean of...Null hypothesis: The null hypothesis denotes the statement for determining the relationship between...Distribution of means: The distribution of means denotes the probability distribution of the mean...Decision error: Decision error occurs when the conclusion of the hypothesis testing is incorrect in...The difference between the sample and population variance is that, in general the variance of the...The t test for independent means: When two groups of people who are not dependent on each other are...ANOVA: Analysis variance is a test for analyzing and comparing the different group means. For...
Factorial Research Design: A factorial research design is used for testing the effect of two or more...The scatter diagram is used to identify the type of relationship exists between the two variables....The predictor variable is also known as independent variable. It provides the information by using...Chi-square goodness of fit: Chi-square goodness of fit is a nonparametric test used to test the...The two main assumptions for t tests, ANOVA and regression are given below: The populations are...The procedure is said to be special case of another if the procedure is derived from the formula of...In bivariate regression model, the variable would be predicted based on only one independent...
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