STARTING OUT W/PROGRAM.LOGIC...-TEXT - 5th Edition - by GADDIS - ISBN 2810022369454

5th Edition
Publisher: PEARSON
ISBN: 2810022369454


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Chapter 2.7 - Documenting A ProgramChapter 3 - ModulesChapter 3.1 - Introduction To ModulesChapter 3.2 - Defining And Calling A ModuleChapter 3.3 - Local VariablesChapter 3.4 - Passing Arguments To ModulesChapter 3.5 - Global Variables And Global ConstantsChapter 4 - Decision Structures And Boolean LogicChapter 4.1 - Introduction To Decision StructuresChapter 4.2 - Dual Alternative Decision StructuresChapter 4.3 - Comparing StringsChapter 4.4 - Nested Decision StructuresChapter 4.5 - The Case StructureChapter 4.6 - Logical OperatorsChapter 4.7 - Boolean VariablesChapter 5 - Repetition StructuresChapter 5.1 - Introduction To Repetition StructuresChapter 5.2 - Condition-controlled Loops: While, Do-while, And Do-untilChapter 5.3 - Count-controlled Loops And The For StatementChapter 5.4 - Calculating A Running TotalChapter 5.5 - SentinelsChapter 6 - FunctionsChapter 6.1 - Introduction To Functions: Generating Random NumbersChapter 6.2 - Writing Your Own FunctionsChapter 7 - Input ValidationChapter 7.1 - Garbage In, Garbage OutChapter 7.2 - The Input Validation LoopChapter 8 - ArraysChapter 8.1 - Array BasicsChapter 8.2 - Sequentially Searching An ArrayChapter 8.3 - Processing The Contents Of An ArrayChapter 8.4 - Parallel ArraysChapter 8.5 - Two-dimensional ArraysChapter 8.6 - Arrays Of Three Or More DimensionsChapter 9 - Sorting And Searching ArraysChapter 9.3 - The Insertion Sort AlgorithmChapter 9.4 - The Binary Search AlgorithmChapter 10 - FilesChapter 10.1 - Introduction To File Input And OutputChapter 10.2 - Using Loops To Process FilesChapter 10.4 - Processing RecordsChapter 11 - Menu-driven ProgramsChapter 11.1 - Introduction To Menu-driven ProgramsChapter 11.3 - Using A Loop To Repeat The MenuChapter 11.4 - Multiple-level MenusChapter 12 - Text ProcessingChapter 12.2 - Character-by-character Text ProcessingChapter 13 - RecursionChapter 13.2 - Problem Solving With RecursionChapter 14 - Object-oriented ProgrammingChapter 14.1 - Procedural And Object-oriented ProgrammingChapter 14.2 - ClassesChapter 14.3 - Using The Unified Modeling Language To Design ClassesChapter 14.4 - Finding The Classes And Their Responsibilities In A ProblemChapter 14.5 - InheritanceChapter 14.6 - PolymorphismChapter 15 - Gui Applications And Event-driven ProgrammingChapter 15.1 - Graphical User InterfacesChapter 15.2 - Designing The User Interface For A Gui ProgramChapter 15.3 - Writing Event HandlersChapter 15.4 - Designing Apps For Mobile Devices

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