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Michael Gazzaniga (Ph.D., California Institute of Technology) is the David T. McLaughlin Distinguished Professor at Dartmouth College and Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He founded and presides over the Cognitive Neuroscience Institute and is founding editor-in-chief of the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. He is president of the American Psychological Society and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Science. Professor Gazzaniga’s research focuses on split-brain patients. He has held positions at the University of California, Santa Barbara; New York University; the State University of New York, Stony Brook; Cornell University Medical College; and the University of California, Davis.
Todd Heatherton (Ph.D., University of Toronto) is Department Chair and the Champion International Professor in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Dartmouth College. His primary research examines the situational, individual, motivational, and affective processes that interfere with self-regulation. He has been on the executive committees of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), the Association of Researchers in Personality, and the International Society of Self and Identity and has served on the editorial boards of the Journal of Abnormal Psychology, the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, and the Review of General Psychology. He is author or co-author of more than seventy-five articles, chapters and books. Heatherton received the Petra Shattuck Award for Teaching Excellence from the Harvard Extension School in 1994. In 2005, he received the award Distinguished Service on Behalf of Social and Personality Psychology from SPSP.
Diane Halpern (Ph.D., University of Cincinnati) is Professor of Psychology at Claremont McKenna College. She has won many awards for her teaching and research, including the 2002 Outstanding Professor Award from the Western Psychological Association, the 1999 American Psychological Foundation Award for Distinguished Teaching, 1996 Distinguished Career Award for Contributions to Education given by the American Psychological Association, the California State University’s State-Wide Outstanding Professor Award. Halpern was president of the American Psychological Association in 2004 and is a past president of the Society for Teaching of Psychology. She is the author of: Thought and Knowledge: An Introduction to Critical Thinking and Sex Differences in Cognitive Abilities. She is currently chairing an APA Taskforce on redesigning undergraduate education in psychology. Her edited book, Undergraduate Education in Psychology: A Blueprint for the Future of the Discipline (APA Books) will be published in 2009.
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