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Book Details
Programming in C, Fourth Edition is a newly revised and updated edition of Steven Kochan's classic C programming tutorial: a book that has helped thousands of students master C over the past 25+ years. This edition fully reflects current developments in C programming, including the latest version (C11). Crafted to help students master C regardless of their intended platform or applications, it includes substantial new coverage of mobile and gaming applications where C's elegance and speed make it indispensable.
Kochan brings a unique ability to connect with readers, understand their needs, and explain a language with exceptional clarity and relevance. Here, he begins with the fundamentals, then covers every facet of C programming: variables, data types, arithmetic expressions, program looping, making decisions, arrays, functions, structures, strings, pointers, operations on bits, preprocessors, I/O, and more. You'll find up-to-date chapters on writing larger programs; debugging, and object-oriented fundamentals. Appendices include a complete language summary; an introduction to the current Standard C Library; coverage of compiling and running programs using gcc; and avoiding common coding mistakes.
This edition contains improved examples and explanations, as well as new material on C-based object languages such as Objective-C (reflecting Kochan's unique experience as author of Programming in Objective-C 2.0 , today's leading Objective-C tutorial).
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