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Gain a solid understanding of today's principles of information systems when you use the most current overview from leading authors Ralph Stair and George Reynolds. PRINCIPLES OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS, Eleventh Edition, relies on 14 captivating chapters to explore the core principles of IS and examine how it's practiced today. You gain a strong grasp of the latest developments and their impact on the rapidly changing role of today's IS professional. As many as 140 new examples and references in each chapter keep the presentation as current as possible. New discussion focuses on the increased use of cloud computing throughout the world and the latest in mobile solutions and challenges in IS today. You see, first-hand, how information systems can increase profits and reduce costs as you review new information on e-commerce and enterprise systems, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, green computing, and other issues reshaping IS today. Expanded materials introduce the increasing challenges of today's computer crimes and hacking as well as cyberterrorism. This edition presents some of the most recent research on virtual communities and global IS work solutions as well as the growing importance of social networking. No matter what your career plans, PRINCIPLES OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS, Eleventh Edition, can equip you to function more effectively as an employee, manager, or decision maker in business today.
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