Problem 1P:
Work with fractions. (a) Write as a mixed number 314. (b) Write as an improper fraction 378. Write...Problem 2P:
Multiply and divide fractions. (a) 78532 (b) 41223 (c) 35of112 (d) 3412 (e) 278114 (f) 412Problem 4P:
Solve practical problems involving fractions. Carpentry A tabletop is constructed using 34-in....Problem 1APS:
A. Write as an improper fraction. 118Problem 2APS:
A. Write as an improper fraction. 415Problem 3APS:
A. Write as an improper fraction. 123Problem 4APS:
A. Write as an improper fraction. 2316Problem 5APS:
A. Write as an improper fraction. 3332Problem 7APS:
A. Write as an improper fraction. 158Problem 9APS:
A. Write as a mixed number. 104Problem 11APS:
A. Write as a mixed number. 253Problem 15APS:
A. Write as a mixed number. 354Problem 16APS:
A. Write as a mixed number. 73Problem 17APS:
A. Write in lowest terms. 632Problem 18APS:
A. Write in lowest terms. 832Problem 19APS:
A. Write in lowest terms. 1232Problem 21APS:
A. Write in lowest terms. 520Problem 23APS:
A. Write in lowest terms. 11620Problem 25APS:
A. Complete these. 34=?12Problem 27APS:
A. Complete these. 234=?16Problem 29APS:
A. Complete these. 523=?12Problem 31APS:
A. Complete these. 114=?12Problem 32APS:
A. Complete these. 235=?10Problem 33APS:
A. Circle the larger number. 716or215Problem 35APS:
A. Circle the larger number. 1316or78Problem 37APS:
A. Circle the larger number. 1332or35Problem 38APS:
A. Circle the larger number. 210or316Problem 39APS:
A. Circle the larger number. 1716 or 74Problem 1BPS:
B. Multiply 12316Problem 3BPS:
B. Multiply 71643Problem 5BPS:
B. Multiply 11256Problem 6BPS:
B. Multiply 311615Problem 7BPS:
B. Multiply 316512Problem 9BPS:
B. Multiply 3410Problem 11BPS:
B. Multiply or divide as shown. 18112Problem 13BPS:
B. Multiply or divide as shown. 223438Problem 15BPS:
Multiply or divide as shown. 1214Problem 17BPS:
Multiply or divide as shown. 418Problem 18BPS:
Multiply or divide as shown. 834Problem 19BPS:
Multiply or divide as shown. 234Problem 21BPS:
Multiply or divide as shown. 3125Problem 23BPS:
Multiply or divide as shown. 234118Problem 1CPS:
C. Add or subtract as shown. 38+78Problem 3CPS:
C. Add or subtract as shown. 332+18Problem 5CPS:
C. Add or subtract as shown. 35+56Problem 11CPS:
C. Add or subtract as shown. 78310Problem 13CPS:
C. Add or subtract as shown. 218+114Problem 15CPS:
C. Add or subtract as shown. 6112Problem 17CPS:
C. Add or subtract as shown. 323178Problem 19CPS:
C. Add or subtract as shown. 12+13+15Problem 21CPS:
C. Add or subtract as shown. 312213Problem 22CPS:
C. Add or subtract as shown. 2351415Problem 23CPS:
C. Add or subtract as shown. 2135Problem 1DPS:
D. Practical Applications Welding In a welding job, three pieces of 2-in. I-beam with lengths 578,...Problem 2DPS:
D. Practical Applications Machine Trades How many pieces of 10516-in. bar can be cut from a stock...Problem 3DPS:
D. Practical Applications Welding A piece of metal must be cut to a length of 2238in.116in. What are...Problem 4DPS:
D. Practical Applications Automotive Trades A damaged car is said to have sway when two...Problem 5DPS:
D. Practical Applications Machine Trades A shaft 178in. in diameter is turned down on a lathe to a...Problem 6DPS:
D Practical Applications Machine Trades A bar 14516 in. long is cut from a piece 2514 in. long. If...Problem 7DPS:
D. Practical Applications Manufacturing A cubic foot contains roughly 712 gallons. How many cubic...Problem 8DPS:
D. Practical Applications Manufacturing Find the total width of the three pieces of steel plate...Problem 9DPS:
D. Practical Applications Machine Trades What would be the total length of the bar formed by welding...Problem 10DPS:
D. Practical Applications Machine Trades The Ace Machine Shop has the job of producing 32 zinger...Problem 11DPS:
D. Practical Applications Carpentry What is the thickness of a tabletop made of 34in. plywood and...Problem 12DPS:
D. Practical Applications Construction For the wooden form shown, find the lengths A, B, C, and D....Problem 13DPS:
D. Practical Applications Carpentry Find the spacing x between the holes in the figure shown....Problem 14DPS:
D. Practical Applications Masonry Find the height of the five-course (five-bricks-high) brick wall...Problem 15DPS:
D. Practical Applications Masonry If the wall in problem 14 has 28 stretchers (bricks laid...Problem 16DPS:
D. Practical Applications Electrical Trades An electrical wiring job requires the following lengths...Problem 17DPS:
D. Practical Applications Printing An invitation must be printed on card stock measuring 414in. wide...Problem 18DPS:
D. Practical Applications Printing As a rule of thumb, the top margin of a page of a book should be...Problem 19DPS:
D. Practical Applications Welding A 46-in. bar must have 9 equally spaced holes drilled through the...Problem 20DPS:
D. Practical Applications Construction If an I-beam is to be 2438in. long with a tolerance of 14in.,...Problem 21DPS:
D. Practical Applications Machine Trades If a positioner shaft turns at 18 revolutions per minute,...Problem 23DPS:
D. Practical Applications Landscaping A landscaping project requires that you estimate the length...Problem 24DPS:
D. Practical Applications Machine Trades A machine tech must bolt together two steel plates that are...Problem 25DPS:
D. Practical Applications Automotive Trades On a certain vehicle, each turn of the tie-rod sleeve...Problem 26DPS:
D. Practical Applications Automotive Trades A certain engine has a stroke of 314in. If the throw of...Problem 27DPS:
D. Practical Applications Allied Health One bottle of NoGo pain medicine contains 60 tablets. How...Problem 28DPS:
D. Practical Applications Construction The standard slope for a drainage pipe carrying water is 14...Problem 31DPS:
Flooring and Carpeting In the United States carpet comes in standard 12-ft widths. To fit the carpet...Problem 32DPS:
D. Practical Applications Retail Merchandising In retail management, large quantities are often...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Arithmetic Of Whole NumbersChapter 1.1 - Reading, Writing, Rounding, And Adding Whole NumbersChapter 1.2 - Subtraction Of Whole NumbersChapter 1.3 - Multiplication Of Whole NumbersChapter 1.4 - Division Of Whole NumbersChapter 1.5 - Order Of OperationsChapter 2 - FractionsChapter 2.1 - Working With FractionsChapter 2.2 - Multiplication Of FractionsChapter 2.3 - Division Of Fractions
Chapter 2.4 - Addition And Subtraction Of FractionsChapter 3 - Decimal NumbersChapter 3.1 - Addition And Subtraction Of Decimal NumbersChapter 3.2 - Multiplication And Division Of Decimal NumbersChapter 3.3 - Decimal FractionsChapter 4 - Ratio, Proportion, And PercentChapter 4.1 - Ratio And ProportionChapter 4.2 - Special Applications Of Ratio And ProportionChapter 4.3 - Introduction To PercentChapter 4.4 - Percent ProblemsChapter 4.5 - Special Applications Of Percent CalculationsChapter 5 - MeasurementChapter 5.1 - Working With Measurement NumbersChapter 5.2 - U.s. Customary Units And Unit ConversionChapter 5.3 - Metric UnitsChapter 5.4 - Metric-u.s. Customary ConversionsChapter 5.5 - Direct MeasurementsChapter 6 - Pre-algebraChapter 6.1 - Addition Of Signed NumbersChapter 6.2 - Subtraction Of Signed NumbersChapter 6.3 - Multiplication And Division Of Signed NumbersChapter 6.4 - Exponents And Square RootsChapter 7 - Basic AlgebraChapter 7.1 - Algebraic Language And FormulasChapter 7.2 - Adding And Subtracting Algebraic ExpressionsChapter 7.3 - Solving Simple EquationsChapter 7.4 - Solving Two-operation EquationsChapter 7.5 - Solving More Equations And Solving FormulasChapter 7.6 - Solving Word ProblemsChapter 7.7 - Multiplying And Dividing Algebraic ExpressionsChapter 7.8 - Scientific NotationChapter 8 - Practical Plane GeometryChapter 8.1 - Angle MeasurementChapter 8.2 - Perimeter Of Polygons And Area Of QuadrilateralsChapter 8.3 - Triangles, Regular Hexagons, And Irregular PolygonsChapter 8.4 - CirclesChapter 9 - Solid FiguresChapter 9.1 - PrismsChapter 9.2 - Pyramids And Frustums Of PyramidsChapter 9.3 - Cylinders And SpheresChapter 9.4 - Cones And Frustums Of ConesChapter 10 - Triangle TrigonometryChapter 10.1 - Angles And Right TrianglesChapter 10.2 - Trigonometric RatiosChapter 10.3 - Solving Right TrianglesChapter 10.4 - Oblique TrianglesChapter 11 - Intermediate AlgebraChapter 11.1 - Systems Of EquationsChapter 11.2 - Quadratic EquationsChapter 12 - StatisticsChapter 12.1 - Reading And Constructing GraphsChapter 12.2 - Measures Of Central TendencyChapter 12.3 - Measures Of Dispersion
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