Book Details
Bernheim and Whinston’s Microeconomics 2nd edition is uniquely designed to appeal to a variety of student learning styles. The content focuses on core principles of the intermediate microeconomics course: individuals and firms making decisions, competitive markets, and market failures, and is delivered in a combination of print, digital, and mobile formats appropriate for today’s learner. McGraw-Hill’s adaptive learning component, LearnSmart, provides assignable modules that help students master core concepts in each chapter. Scan codes within the chapters give students mobile access to online resources including videos on how to solve In-Text Exercises. Extensive end-of-chapter material provides flexible options for both calculus and algebra-based courses. Bernheim and Whinston’s completely integrated and accessible learning experience teaches students to apply and engage with a wide range of quantitative problems for more success in the intermediate microeconomics course.
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Some of the examples of goods and services that are provided by the government for the public are...Terrorist attack destroyed the World Trade Center and surrounding office buildings. This caused...The demand function for corn is given below:...The demand function for corn is given below:...People are very conscious about the benefits and costs of doing something. The benefit of studying...The principle of declining MRS (marginal rate of substitution) implies that the consumer’s...The figure mentioned in the question is figured as follows: According to the diagram, O chose point...Figure 1 illustrates the effect of a compensated change in the price of nuts. In Figure 1, the...Since the price of sunscreen is $1, the quantity consumed is 5 ounces, the price of lemonade is...
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