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With the CourseSmart eTextbook version of this title, students can save up to 50% off the cost of a print book, reduce their impact on the environment, and access powerful web tools for learning. Faculty can also review and compare the full text online without having to wait for a print desk copy. CourseSmart is an online eTextbook, which means users need to be connected to the internet in order to access. Students can also print sections of the book for maximum portability. The clear writing style and comprehensive explanations at a level that students can understand combine to make McConnell the world's best-selling Introductory Microeconomics text. McConnell Microeconomics, Twelfth Canadian Edition, provides comprehensive coverage of introductory microeconomic concepts, and also provides additional online chapter content that gives instructors even more flexibility. The twelfth Canadian edition of Microeconomics has been updated to include material explaining the global economic crisis, and showing how current economic events relate with economic concepts. New content has been added into the McConnell text. For example, natural resources and energy have a more dominant role in the new edition with a dedicated chapter (Chapter 14) and additions that complement the theme of "natural resources and energy."
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