Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - PreliminariesChapter 2 - The Basics Of Supply And DemandChapter 3 - Consumer BehaviorChapter 4 - Individual And Market DemandChapter 4.A - Demand Theory - A Mathematical TreatmentChapter 5 - Uncertainity And Consumer BehaviorChapter 6 - ProductionChapter 7 - The Cost Of ProductionChapter 7.A - Production And Cost Theory - A Mathematical TreatmentChapter 8 - Profit Maximization And Competitive Supply
Chapter 9 - The Analysis Of Competitive MarketsChapter 10 - Market Power: Monopoly And MonopsonyChapter 11 - Pricing With Market PowerChapter 11.A - The Vertically Integrated FirmChapter 12 - Monopolistic Competition And OligopolyChapter 13 - Game Theory And Competitive StrategyChapter 14 - Market For Facot InputsChapter 15 - Investment, Time And Capital MarketsChapter 16 - General Equilibrium And Economic EfficiencyChapter 17 - Market With Asymmetric InormationChapter 18 - Externality And Public GoodsChapter 19 - Behavior Economics
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Theories are the basis for making predictions. Generally, a theory cannot be used for making valid...The demand for ice cream will increase during the time of hot weather. When the demand for ice cream...There are four main assumptions about individual preference. They are as follows: (1) Preferences...The price consumption curve is a graphical representation, which depicts the changes in the...A person who has a diminishing marginal utility of income and prefers to gamble with a certain...The production function is the process of transformation of inputs into outputs, which lead to value...An explicit cost is a direct payment made to others in the production process which is also used to...The economic loss is a situation that occurs when the total revenue of the firm is less than the...The deadweight loss is defined as the loss of the total consumer surplus and producer surplus due to...
The monopoly is a market structure where there is only one seller selling the unique product and the...Price discrimination is the process of charging different prices for the same commodity from...The monopolistically competitive market is a type of market with the characteristics of both the...In a cooperative game, players communicate and arrange binding contracts where both parties must...The demand curve for labor is the marginal revenue product of labor which is measured by marginal...The inputs such as cloth and labor can be measured as flow variables. The factory is a stock...Partial equilibrium analysis is one which deals with the supply and demand interactions in a single...The problem of asymmetric information is referred to the problem of market failure that leads to a...The externality is the consequence faced by the person who is not involved in the action in the form...According to the behavioural economics, it is highly probable that most people would opt for the...
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