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Getting to grips with physical chemistry can be a daunting task. With new concepts to understand and a large amount of mathematics to master, it is no wonder that students can sometimes find it overwhelming. Elements of Physical Chemistry has been carefully developed to help readers increase their confidence when using physics and mathematics to answer fundamental questions about the structure of molecules, how chemical reactions take place, and why materials behave the way they do. The content is tightly focussed and well-matched to undergraduate courses, making it easy to find the information needed. Topics are covered in a clear, easy-to-follow style, using everyday examples to help students to visualise concepts and procedures that can otherwise seem very abstract. This edition sees further development of the learning features. These include Chemist's toolkits, which provide a reminder of mathematical techniques and introductory chemistry and physics needed to follow material in the chapters; worked examples providing step-by-step routes through problems; brief illustrations explaining how to use equations to calculate numerical values; and self-tests that allow students to check their understanding. On the accompanying Online Resource Centre, students have access to multiple choice questions and Webcasts, short videos showing, step-by-step, how to solve an exercise. For lecturers, there is a test bank and the figures from the text are available to download.
More Editions of This Book
Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:
Elements of Physical Chemistry
6th Edition
ISBN: 9781429287326
Elements Of Physical Chemistry
7th Edition
ISBN: 9780198727873
Elements of Physical Chemistry
7th Edition
ISBN: 9780192522764
Elements Of Physical Chemistry
7th Edition
ISBN: 9780198796701
Us Solutions Manual To Accompany Elements Of Physical Chemistry 7e
7th Edition
ISBN: 9780198802259
Elements Of Physical Chemistry
5th Edition
ISBN: 9781429218139
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