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Angel's texts are a proven favorite among students and instructors alike. The Angel texts consistently receive praise for their readability - short, clear sentences are used to ensure the text is readable even for those with weak reading skills- and for the abundance of detailed, worked-out examples... more than any other text! In this revised, 3rd edition of Elementary Algebra Early Graphing for College Students, Angel continues to focus on the needs of the students taking this class and the instructors teaching them.
- Angel's texts are a proven favorite among students and instructors alike. The Angel texts consistently receive praise for their readability - short, clear sentences are used to ensure the text is readable even for those with weak reading skills- and for the abundance of detailed, worked-out examples... more than any other text! In this revised, 3rd edition of Elementary Algebra Early Graphing for College Students, Angel continues to focus on the needs of the students taking this class and the instructors teaching them.
New To This Edition
In this revised, 3rd edition of Elementary Algebra Early Graphing for College Students, Angel remains committed to making this a text that students can read and truly understand. Here’s how Angel accomplishes this with the new edition:
- ENHANCED! Angel is frequently praised for the readability of his texts. He is mindful to use short, clear sentences to ensure the text is readable for even those students with the weakest reading skills. In this 3rd edition, the design of the textbook was carefully reviewed to enhance its clarity and readability. The basic colors in the textbook have been softened and art/photos have been added where appropriate to aid comprehension and peak interest in the material being presented.
- ENHANCED! Students and Instructors love Angel’s Examples! Not only are the examples worked-out, step-by-step, in great detail but there are more than any other textbook! This 3rd edition now guarantees every exercise has a corresponding example and every example has a corresponding Now Try exercise. Additionally, an Instructor Example is now provided in the margin of the Annotated Instructor's Edition, next to each student example. This 3rd edition ensures Instructors will always have a relevant Angel Example to use in class and students will always have a corresponding example for the exercise they are working.
- ENHANCED! Instructors love Angel's Exercises! In this 3rd edition, special attention was made to ensure every exercise set provides a gradual, yet continuous increase in difficulty-level. Application exercises were reviewed for relevancy and interest to today's students. Also, variables other than x and y are now used more frequently in the examples and exercises. You can have confidence in Angel's exercise sets - plenty of exercises available to use in class and to assign to your students to work outside of class.
- NEW! Many students struggle just to pass this course and that's why MyMathLab is being offered with this 3rd edition! MyMathLab can help you help your students pass this course the first time. 1600 schools presently use MyMathLab to assign, collect and grade homework, quizzes and/or tests. With MyMathLab - - your students have access to unlimited practice, immediate feedback, examples, videos and a personalized study plan, all designed to help them them pass this course on the first try! MyMathLab gives Instructors choice of content as it's currently available with more than 200 Pearson texts! View the success rates of MyMathLab at various schools in Making the Grade: A Report on the Success of MyMathLab in Higher Education Math Instruction (2005):
- NEW! Many students are struggling to balance work, family and school commitments. This means that many are studying for their tests late the night before when there is no one around to help them. Angel wants to help students during this time of need! In this revised, 3rd edition, students will benefit from the Chapter Test Prep Video CD available in the back of their textbook. Encourage your students to complete the end-of-chapter practice test in their text. If they get stuck on any of the problems from the chapter test, even if it is late the night before, they can go to the Chapter Test Prep Video CD to view video of an Instructor working out the solution(s). For the student it's like having a tutor on-demand!
- ENHANCED! Many students struggle with what to study and how to study. In this 3rd edition, Angel provides new ways to improve on what your students study and how. The Chapter Summaries have been rewritten to include the important facts and concepts covered in the chapter. They've also been redesigned in a concise, clear, column-format. The left hand column highlights the fact or concept and the right hand column offers an example of that fact or concept.
- NEW! Angel has also included Mid-ChapterTests in every chapter of this 3rd edition. Use these Mid-Chapter Tests to see how well your students are understanding the topcis covered in the first part of the chapter. The answers to the Mid-Chapter Tests can be found in the back of the text. Next to the answer, your students will find a reference to the section in the text where the concept is covered, so they'll know exactly where to go to review! Note: The Instructor's Resource Manual includes several test forms of each chapter test, so you have plenty available for optional and required work.
- ENHANCED! Learning math is very frustrating for many students, so Angel takes the time to offer your students encouragement and support when they are likely to need it the most. That's why Angel is providing more Avoiding Common Errors boxes and more Helpful Hints in this 3rd edition! The Avoiding Common Errors boxes point out some of the common mistakes that students make, explain the error, and show the correct method for working the problem. Helpful Hints and Helpful Hints-Study Tips offer suggestions to enhance students math skills and study skills throughout the course.
- REVISED! In this 3rd edition, Goals of This Chapter have replaced A Look Ahead. The Goals of This Chapter appear at the beginning of each chapter to give students an overview of what they will see and are expected to learn in that chapter.
- UPDATED! In this 3rd edition, the Using Your Graphing Calculator boxes now show keystrokes for the TI-84 Plus calculator. Note: The same keystrokes are appropriate for the TI-83 Plus calculator.
- REVISED & ENHANCED! In this 3rd edition, Angel has rewritten chapter 3, Applications of Algebra, to ensure the material is clear and understandable for all students. Chapter 3 has been shortened from five sections to four, and the material on formulas has been moved from Chapter 3 to Chapter 2, where it now better reinforces the material on solving equations. In Chapter 2 Angel now provides more emphasis on solving equations containing decimal numbers and fractions, and additional and subtraction of fractions and decimals have been improved in Chapter 1. Material on rounding decimal numbers has also been added to the Decimal Number Appendix.
- REMOVED - The Mathematics in Action feature has been removed to conserve space.
More Editions of This Book
Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:
Elementary Algebra For College Students Plus New Mylab Math With Pearson Etext -- Access Card Package (9th Edition)
9th Edition
ISBN: 9780321922632
Elementary Algebra For College Students (9th Edition)
9th Edition
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Elementary Algebra For College Students, Books A La Carte Edition (9th Edition)
9th Edition
ISBN: 9780321868145
Student's Solutions Manual For Elementary Algebra For College Students
9th Edition
ISBN: 9780321923288
Elementary Algebra For College Students (9th Edition)
9th Edition
ISBN: 9780321869821
Elementary Algebra For College Students Books a la Carte Edition plus NEW
9th Edition
ISBN: 9780321925398
Elementary Algebra For College Students: Ph Grade Assistant
6th Edition
ISBN: 9780131425118
Elementary Algebra For College Students
8th Edition
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Elementary Algebra For College Students (8th Edition)
8th Edition
ISBN: 9780321620934
Elementary Algebra For College Students: International Edition
8th Edition
ISBN: 9780321706683
Worksheets For Classroom Or Lab Practice For Elementary Algebra For College Students
8th Edition
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Elementary Algebra For College Students, Books A La Carte Edition (8th Edition)
8th Edition
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Elementary Algebra For College Students With Geometry
5th Edition
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Elementary Algebra For College Students
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Algebra for College Students
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10th Edition
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Elementary Algebra For College Students (10th Edition)
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Mymathlab With Pearson Etext -- Standalone Access Format: Access Card Package
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Elementary Algebra For College Students (10th Edition)
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Elementary Algebra for College Students (Looseleaf)
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Elementary Algebra for College Students
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