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I: Introduction
Chapter 1: Economics and Economic Reasoning
Chapter 2: Trade and Tradeoffs +
Chapter 3: The Evolving U.S. Economy in Perspective +
Chapter 4: Supply and Demand
Chapter 5: Applying Supply and Demand
II: Microeconomics
I: Microeconomics: The Basics
Chapter 6: Describing Supply and Demand: Elasticities
Chapter 7: Taxation and Government Intervention
II: Foundations of Supply and Demand
Chapter 8: The Logic of Individual Choice: The Foundation of Supply and Demand
Chapter 9: Production and Cost Analysis I
Chapter 10: Production and Cost Analysis II
III Market Structure and Policy
Chapter 11: Perfect Competition
Chapter 12: Monopoly
Chapter 13: Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly, and Strategic Pricing
Chapter 14: Real-World Competition and Technology +
Chapter 15: Antitrust Policy and Regulation
IV: Factor Markets
Chapter 16: Work and the Labor Market
Chapter 17: Who Gets What? The Distribution of Income
V: Applying Economic Reasoning to Policy
Chapter 18: Government Policy and Market Failures
Chapter 19: Politics and Economics: The Case of Agriculture
Chapter 20: Microeconomic Policy, Economic Reasoning, and Beyond
Chapter 21: International Trade Policy
III: Macroeconomics
I: Macroeconomic Problems
Chapter 22: Economic Growth, Business Cycles, Unemployment, and Inflation
Chapter 23: National Income Accounting
II: The Macroeconomic Framework
Chapter 24: Growth, Productivity, and the Wealth of Nations
Chapter 25: Aggregate Demand, Aggregate Supply, and Modern Macroeconomics
Chapter 26: The Multiplier Model
III: Money and Monetary Policy
Chapter 27: Money, Banking, and the Financial Sector
Chapter 28: Monetary Policy and the Debate about Macro Policy
Chapter 29: Inflation and Its Relationship to Unemployment and Growth +
IV: Policy Issues in Depth
Chapter 30: Aggregate Demand Policy in Perspective +
Chapter 31: Politics, Surpluses, Deficits, and Debt +
Chapter 32: Macro Policies in Developing Countries *
V: International Policy Issues
Chapter 33: International Finance +
Chapter 34: Monetary and Fiscal Policy in a Global Setting * indicates new chapter + indicates heavily revised chapter
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