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I. Introduction to the Price System
1. Economics: The World Around You
Appendix to Chapter 1. Working with Graphs
2. Choice, Opportunity Costs, and Specialization
3. Markets, Demand and Supply, and the Price System
4. The Market System and the Private Sector
5. The Public Sector
II. Macroeconomic Basics
6. National Income Accounting
7. An Introduction to the Foreign Exchange Market and the Balance of Payments
8. Unemployment and Inflation
9. Macroeconomic Equilibrium: Aggregate Demand and Supply
10. Aggregate Expenditures
Appendix to Chapter 10. An Algebraic Model of Aggregate Expenditures
11. Income and Expenditures Equilibrium
Appendix to Chapter 11. An Algebraic Model of Income and Expenditures Equilibrium
III. Macroeconomic Policy
12. Fiscal Policy
Appendix to Chapter 12. An Algebraic Examination of the Balanced-Budget Change in Fiscal Policy
13. Money and Banking
14. Monetary Policy
15. Macroeconomic Policy: Tradeoffs, Expectations, Credibility, and Sources of Business Cycles
16. Macroeconomic Viewpoints: New Keynesian, Monetarist, and New Classical
IV. Economic Growth and Development
17. Economic Growth
18. Development Economics
19. Globalization
V. Product Market Basics
20. Elasticity: Demand and Supply
21. Consumer Choice
Appendix to Chapter 21. Indifference Analysis
22. Supply: The Costs of Doing Business
VI. Product Markets
23. Profit Maximization
24. Perfect Competition
25. Monopoly
26. Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly
27. Antitrust and Regulation
28. Government and Market Failure
VII. Resource Markets
29. Resource Markets
30. The Labor Market
31. Financial Markets: Institutions and Recent Events
32. The Land Market and Natural Resources
33. Aging, Social Security, and Health Care
34. Income Distribution, Poverty, and Government Policy
VIII. Issues in International Trade and Finance
35. World Trade Equilibrium
36. International Trade Restrictions
37. Exchange Rates and Financial Links Between Countries
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