3rd Edition
Publisher: VST
ISBN: 9781506386249


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Chapter 2.10 - Graphing Distributions: Discrete And Categorical DataChapter 3 - Summarizing Data: Central TendencyChapter 3.1 - Introduction To Central TendencyChapter 3.2 - Measures Of Central TendencyChapter 3.3 - Characteristics Of The MeanChapter 3.4 - Choosing An Appropriate Measure Of Central TendencyChapter 4 - Summarizing Data: VariabilityChapter 4.3 - Research In Focus: Reporting The RangeChapter 4.4 - Quartiles And InterquartilesChapter 4.5 - The VarianceChapter 4.6 - Explaining Variance For Populations And SamplesChapter 4.7 - The Computational Formula For VarianceChapter 4.8 - The Standard DeviationChapter 4.10 - Characteristics Of The Standard DeviationChapter 5 - ProbabilityChapter 5.2 - Calculating ProbabilityChapter 5.3 - Probability And Relative FrequencyChapter 5.4 - The Relationship Between Multiple OutcomesChapter 5.5 - Conditional Probabilities And Bayes’s TheoremChapter 5.7 - Probability DistributionsChapter 5.10 - The Variance And Standard Deviation Of A Probability DistributionChapter 5.11 - Expected Value And The Binomial DistributionChapter 6 - Probability, Normal Distributions, And Z ScoresChapter 6.3 - Research In Focus: The Statistical NormChapter 6.5 - The Unit Normal Table: A Brief IntroductionChapter 6.6 - Locating ProportionsChapter 6.7 - Locating ScoresChapter 6.9 - Going From Binomial To NormalChapter 6.10 - The Normal Approximation To The Binomial DistributionChapter 7 - Probability And Sampling DistributionsChapter 7.1 - Selecting Samples From PopulationsChapter 7.2 - Selecting A Sample: Who’s In And Who’s Out?Chapter 7.3 - Sampling Distributions: The MeanChapter 7.4 - Sampling Distributions: The VarianceChapter 7.8 - Apa In Focus: Reporting The Standard ErrorChapter 7.9 - Standard Normal Transformations With Sampling DistributionsChapter 8 - Hypothesis Testing: Significance, Effect Size, And PowerChapter 8.1 - Inferential Statistics And Hypothesis TestingChapter 8.2 - Four Steps To Hypothesis TestingChapter 8.3 - Hypothesis Testing And Sampling DistributionsChapter 8.4 - Making A Decision: Types Of ErrorChapter 8.6 - Research In Focus: Directional Versus Nondirectional TestsChapter 8.7 - Measuring The Size Of An Effect: Cohen’s DChapter 8.8 - Effect Size, Power, And Sample SizeChapter 9 - Testing Means: One-sample And Two-independent-sample T TestsChapter 9.3 - Reading The T TableChapter 9.4 - One-sample T TestChapter 9.5 - Effect Size For The One-sample T TestChapter 9.7 - Two-independent-sample T TestChapter 9.8 - Effect Size For The Two-independent-sample T TestChapter 10 - Testing Means: The Related-samples T TestChapter 10.1 - Related And Independent SamplesChapter 10.2 - Introduction To The Related-samples T TestChapter 10.3 - The Related-samples T Test: Repeated-measures DesignChapter 10.5 - The Related-samples T Test: Matched-pairs DesignChapter 10.6 - Measuring Effect Size For The Related-samples T TestChapter 11 - Estimation And Confidence IntervalsChapter 11.2 - The Process Of EstimationChapter 11.3 - Estimation For The One-sample Z TestChapter 11.5 - Spss In Focus: Confidence Intervals For The One-sample T TestChapter 11.9 - Spss In Focus: Confidence Intervals For The Related-samples T TestChapter 11.10 - Characteristics Of Estimation: Precision And CertaintyChapter 12 - Analysis Of Variance: One-way Between-subjects DesignChapter 12.2 - An Introduction To Analysis Of VarianceChapter 12.4 - Degrees Of FreedomChapter 12.6 - What Is The Next Step?Chapter 12.7 - Post Hoc ComparisonsChapter 12.9 - Measuring Effect SizeChapter 13 - Analysis Of Variance: One-way Within-subjects (repeated-measures) DesignChapter 13.3 - Degrees Of FreedomChapter 13.4 - The One-way Within-subjects AnovaChapter 13.5 - Post Hoc Comparisons: Bonferroni ProcedureChapter 13.7 - Measuring Effect SizeChapter 13.8 - The Within-subjects Design: Consistency And PowerChapter 14 - Analysis Of Variance: Two-way Between-subjects Factorial DesignChapter 14.3 - Designs For The Two-way AnovaChapter 14.4 - Describing Variability: Main Effects And InteractionsChapter 14.5 - The Two-way Between-subjects AnovaChapter 14.6 - Analyzing Main Effects And InteractionsChapter 14.7 - Measuring Effect SizeChapter 15 - CorrelationChapter 15.2 - Describing A CorrelationChapter 15.4 - Spss In Focus: Pearson Correlation CoefficientChapter 15.6 - Limitations In Interpretation: Causality, Outliers, And Restrictions Of RangeChapter 15.8 - Spss In Focus: Spearman Correlation CoefficientChapter 15.10 - Spss In Focus: Point-biserial Correlation CoefficientChapter 15.12 - Spss In Focus: Phi Correlation CoefficientChapter 16 - Linear Regression And Multiple RegressionChapter 16.2 - Fundamentals Of Linear RegressionChapter 16.4 - The Slope And Y-intercept Of A Straight LineChapter 16.5 - Using The Method Of Least Squares To Find The Best FitChapter 16.6 - Using Analysis Of Regression To Determine SignificanceChapter 16.8 - Using The Standard Error Of Estimate To Measure AccuracyChapter 16.9 - Introduction To Multiple RegressionChapter 16.13 - Spss In Focus: Multiple Regression AnalysisChapter 17 - Nonparametric Tests: Chi-square TestsChapter 17.2 - The Chi-square Goodness-of-fit TestChapter 17.3 - Spss In Focus: The Chi-square Goodness-of-fit TestChapter 17.5 - Independent Observations And Expected Frequency SizeChapter 17.6 - The Chi-square Test For IndependenceChapter 17.9 - Spss In Focus: The Chi-square Test For IndependenceChapter 18 - Nonparametric Tests: Tests For Ordinal DataChapter 18.1 - Tests For Ordinal DataChapter 18.3 - Spss In Focus: The Related-samples Sign TestChapter 18.5 - Spss In Focus: The Wilcoxon Signed-ranks T TestChapter 18.7 - Spss In Focus: The Mann-whitney U TestChapter 18.9 - Spss In Focus: The Kruskal-wallis H TestChapter 18.11 - Spss In Focus: The Friedman TestChapter A.1 - Positive And Negative NumbersChapter A.2 - AdditionChapter A.3 - SubtractionChapter A.4 - MultiplicationChapter A.5 - DivisionChapter A.6 - FractionsChapter A.8 - Exponents And RootsChapter A.9 - Order Of ComputationChapter A.10 - Equations: Solving For XChapter A.11 - Summation Notation

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Symmetric distribution: When the left and right sides of the distribution are approximately equal or...Calculation: The given z scores are mean and 0. The mean value of the standard normal distribution...Calculation: The given situations are the area to the left of z score 1.00 and another one is the...Calculation: The given information is that, the set of data is distributed normally with mean 3.5...Sampling distribution: The probability distribution of the sample statistics when all the possible...Four steps of Hypothesis Testing: Step 1: State the hypotheses. Step 2: Set the criteria for a...Decision Rule: If the value of p is less than α, then reject the null hypothesis. 1. The data gives...Decision Rule: If the value of the test statistic is greater than the critical value then reject the...Justification: The ttest is similar to the ztest. In ttest sample variance is replaced with...Justification: The formula of test statistic for one-sample t test is, tobt=(M1−M2)−(μ1−μ2)sM1−M2 In...Calculation: Let μ1 is average rating of humorous comedians, and μ2 is average rating of non...Let μ1 is average amount consumed by rats were made sick, and μ2 is average amount consumed by...Justification: In independent samples test, the participants in each of the group are different that...Calculations: From the Question 15, the calculated difference scores are –4, 1, –2, –2, and 3. The...Calculation: The given information is that, nD=16,MD=4,sD=8 and consider μD=0. Test statistic of...The given information is that, sample of 20 obese patientsis considered in which there are two types...In hypothesis testing the decision regarding the null hypothesis is made based on the critical value...One way ANOVA: It is the statistical procedure which is used to compare the means of two or more...Calculation: From the information, given that F(3,26)=3.00. One-way between subjects ANOVA: It is...Calculation: From the given data, there are three groups highly experienced, moderately experienced...Calculation: From the given data, there are four groups like unemployed, retired, part-time and...One-way within-subjects ANOVA: The one-way within-subjects ANOVA is used for analyzing the data when...Calculation: From the given data, the between groups sum of squares is 234, total sum of squares is...Calculation: From the given data, the between groups mean squares is 12, the between persons mean...Calculation: From the given data, the total sum of squares is 192, the total degrees of freedom is...Justification: The difference between the one-way and two-way design is that in one-way design only...Calculation: From the information given that, the study is based on the eating patterns that might...Calculation: From the information given that, the study of grades for each participants are...Calculation: From the information given that, a marketing firm asks participants to rate the...Correlation: The statistical technique that is used to determine the strength and direction of the...The given information is that, correlation coefficient between Activity (active, inactive) and...Calculation: The given information is that, the researcher is interested to determine the relation...Calculation: The given information is that, the researcher is interested to measure the relation...Justification: The statistical procedure that is used for determining regression equation for the...Calculation: The information given that is the case files to record the age of five criminals and...Calculation: The information given that is the psychologist records the time (in minutes) that...Calculation: The given information is that, the researcher has tested whether ‘daily intake of fat...Parametric test: The parametric test is used for making the inferences about the population...Calculation: A sample of 120 students is considered to ask the rate their performance for one of...Calculation: The given information is that, a study was conducted by the tests of cravings for...Calculation: The given information is that, a study was conducted by the tests of loudness of noise...Justification: Non-parametric tests are used when the data in the study is measured on ordinal...Calculation: The information given that, the study contains three locations in a small business and...

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