Problem 1LC:
How many feet are in 5 yards?Problem 1AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 1. 4.25 ft = _____...Problem 2AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 2. 33 yd = _____ ftProblem 3AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 3. 3.4 mi = _____...Problem 4AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 4. 17.3 lb = _____ oz...Problem 5AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 5. 126 gal = _____ qtProblem 6AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 6. 8.5 mi = _____ yd...Problem 7AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 7. 5.50 gal = _____...Problem 8AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 8. 7.5 lb = _____ ozProblem 9AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 9. 18.4 pt = _____...Problem 10AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 10. 33.0 in. = _____...Problem 11AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 11. 3960 ft = _____...Problem 12AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 12. 22 yd = _____ rdProblem 13AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 13. 126 ft = _____ ydProblem 14AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 14. 230 oz = _____ lb...Problem 15AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 15. 3465 cu in. =...Problem 16AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 16. 351 in. = _____...Problem 17AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 17. 1408 yd = _____...Problem 18AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 18. 0.85 cu ft =...Problem 19AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 19. 6 ft 11 in. =...Problem 21AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 21. 72 qt = _____ galProblem 22AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 22. 4.5 gal = _____...Problem 23AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 23. 326 oz = _____ lb...Problem 24AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 24. 29 ft = _____ yd...Problem 25AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 25. 0.75 pt = _____...Problem 26AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 2612 cups = _____ ptProblem 27AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 27. 18 t = _____ TProblem 28AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 28. 213T=tProblem 29AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 29. 8.0 rd = _____ ydProblem 30AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 30. 6.5 cups = _____...Problem 31AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 31. 4.0 gal = _____...Problem 32AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 32. 5.0 T = _____ fl...Problem 33AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 33. 2.5 qt = _____ TProblem 34AE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 34. 12 t = _____ cupsProblem 1BE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 1. 6.50 sq ft = _____...Problem 2BE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 2. 2.50 acre = _____...Problem 3BE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 3. 1713 cu yd = _____...Problem 5BE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 5. 972.0 cu in. =...Problem 6BE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 6. 330 rev/min =...Problem 8BE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 8. 30 cu ft = _____...Problem 9BE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 9. 14,520 sq ft =...Problem 10BE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 10. 2500ftmin=in3secProblem 11BE:
Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 11. 20.0 sq min =...Problem 12BE:
B. Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 65 mph = _____...Problem 14BE:
B. Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 42.0 sq yd = _____...Problem 15BE:
B. Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 14,000 cu in. =...Problem 16BE:
B. Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 813 cu yd = _____...Problem 17BE:
B. Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 64.0 ft/sec =...Problem 18BE:
B. Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 3.80 rev/sec =...Problem 19BE:
B. Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 12.5 in./sec =...Problem 20BE:
B. Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 360 sq in. = _____...Problem 21BE:
B. Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 2304 acres = _____...Problem 22BE:
B. Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 648 sq in. = _____...Problem 23BE:
B. Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 1.50 lb/sq in. =...Problem 24BE:
B. Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 12.5 cu ft = ____...Problem 25BE:
B. Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 8.00 bu = _____ cu...Problem 26BE:
B. Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 24 fl oz = _____...Problem 27BE:
B. Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 4650 gal = _____...Problem 28BE:
B. Convert the units as shown. (Rounding instructions are provided where needed.) 2.7 cu in. = _____...Problem 1CE:
C. Solve: Sports and Leisure The Manitou Incline, which leads to the top of Pikes Peak in Colorado,...Problem 2CE:
Carpentry Find the number of board feet in each of the following quantities of lumber: (a) 24 pieces...Problem 3CE:
Construction The hole for a footing needs to be 5 ft deep. If it is currently 2 ft 8 in, deep, how...Problem 4CE:
Construction A contractor is excavating for the basement of a new house. The finished first-floor...Problem 5CE:
General Interest The earliest known unit of length to be used in a major construction project is the...Problem 6CE:
C. Solve: General Interest In the Bible (Genesis, Chapter 7), Noah built an ark 300 cubits long, 50...Problem 7CE:
Flooring and Carpeting A homeowner needing carpeting has calculated that 14059 sq yd of carpet must...Problem 8CE:
Metalworking Cast aluminum has a density of 160.0 lb/cu ft. Convert this density to units of oz/cu...Problem 9CE:
Machine Trades A 56-in. twist drill with a periphery speed of 50.0 ft/min has a cutting speed of 611...Problem 10CE:
Welding How many pieces 838in. long can be cut from a piece of 20-ft stock? Allow for 316in. kerf...Problem 11CE:
Water/Wastewater Treatment A sewer line has a flow rate of 1.25 MGD (million gallons per day)....Problem 12CE:
Hydrology A reservoir has a capacity of 9000 cu ft. How long will it take to fill the reservoir at...Problem 13CE:
Sheet Metal Trades A machinist must cut 12 strips of metal that are each 3 ft 278 in. long. What is...Problem 14CE:
Allied Health A hospitalized patient must drink 12 pint of liquid every 2 hours. How many quarts of...Problem 15CE:
C. Solve: Culinary Arts A recipe for gazpacho soup calls for 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 12 cup...Problem 16CE:
Carpentry A Metabol Steb 135 Plus top-handle jigsaw weighs 6.20 lb. A Porter-Cable PC600JS model...Problem 17CE:
Culinary Arts A restaurant manager has developed time guidelines for his kitchen staff. One such...Problem 18CE:
Marine Technology In the petroleum industry, a barrel is defined as 42 gal. A scientist wishes to...Problem 19CE:
Painting A painter must thin some paint for use in a sprayer. If the recommended rate is 12 pint of...Problem 20CE:
Interior Design A designer is pricing a certain wool carpet for a new house. She finds it listed for...Problem 21CE:
Landscaping A 2800-sq-ft house is built on a flat and bare 12-acre parcel of land. If an additional...Problem 22CE:
Transportation A car at rest begins traveling at a constant acceleration of 18 feet per second per...Problem 24CE:
Automotive Trades A drum of oil contains 55 gal and costs 164.80. What is the cost per quart?Problem 25CE:
C. Solve: Automotive Trades Suppose a hybrid automobile has an average fuel economy of 40 mi/gal,...Problem 26CE:
Architecture Calculate the height of the church tower shown on the next page. (Recall that the ...Problem 27CE:
C. Solve: Hydrology Hydrological engineers often measure very large amounts of water in acre-feet. 1...Problem 30CE:
C. Solve: Life Skills A trades worker has a job in a large city. She can either rent an apartment in...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Arithmetic Of Whole NumbersChapter 1.1 - Reading, Writing, Rounding, And Adding Whole NumbersChapter 1.2 - Subtraction Of Whole NumbersChapter 1.3 - Multiplication Of Whole NumbersChapter 1.4 - Division Of Whole NumbersChapter 1.5 - Order Of OperationsChapter 2 - FractionsChapter 2.1 - Working With FractionsChapter 2.2 - Multiplication Of FractionsChapter 2.3 - Division Of Fractions
Chapter 2.4 - Addition And Subtraction Of FractionsChapter 3 - Decimal NumbersChapter 3.1 - Addition And Subtraction Of Decimal NumbersChapter 3.2 - Multiplication And Division Of Decimal NumbersChapter 3.3 - Decimal FractionsChapter 4 - Ratio, Proportion, And PercentChapter 4.1 - Ratio And ProportionChapter 4.2 - Special Applications Of Ratio And ProportionChapter 4.3 - Introduction To PercentChapter 4.4 - Percent ProblemsChapter 4.5 - Special Applications Of Percent CalculationsChapter 5 - MeasurementChapter 5.1 - Working With Measurement NumbersChapter 5.2 - U.s. Customary Units And Unit ConversionChapter 5.3 - Metric UnitsChapter 5.4 - Metric-u.s. Customary ConversionsChapter 5.5 - Direct MeasurementsChapter 6 - Pre-algebraChapter 6.1 - Addition Of Signed NumbersChapter 6.2 - Subtraction Of Signed NumbersChapter 6.3 - Multiplication And Division Of Signed NumbersChapter 6.4 - Exponents And Square RootsChapter 7 - Basic AlgebraChapter 7.1 - Algebraic Language And FormulasChapter 7.2 - Adding And Subtracting Algebraic ExpressionsChapter 7.3 - Solving Simple EquationsChapter 7.4 - Solving Two-operation EquationsChapter 7.5 - Solving More Equations And Solving FormulasChapter 7.6 - Solving Word ProblemsChapter 7.7 - Multiplying And Dividing Algebraic ExpressionsChapter 7.8 - Scientific NotationChapter 8 - Practical Plane GeometryChapter 8.1 - Angle MeasurementChapter 8.2 - Perimeter Of Polygons And Area Of QuadrilateralsChapter 8.3 - Triangles, Regular Hexagons, And Irregular PolygonsChapter 8.4 - CirclesChapter 9 - Solid FiguresChapter 9.1 - PrismsChapter 9.2 - Pyramids And Frustums Of PyramidsChapter 9.3 - Cylinders And SpheresChapter 9.4 - Cones And Frustums Of ConesChapter 10 - Triangle TrigonometryChapter 10.1 - Angles And Right TrianglesChapter 10.2 - Trigonometric RatiosChapter 10.3 - Solving Right TrianglesChapter 10.4 - Oblique TrianglesChapter 11 - Intermediate AlgebraChapter 11.1 - Systems Of EquationsChapter 11.2 - Quadratic EquationsChapter 12 - StatisticsChapter 12.1 - Reading And Constructing GraphsChapter 12.2 - Measures Of Central TendencyChapter 12.3 - Measures Of Dispersion
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