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A comprehensive book for advanced undergraduate students in health economics, it discusses current developments and debates in modern health economics from an international perspective. Economic models are presented, complemented by real-life explanations
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Deriving the demand curve for health care is not an easy task like deriving a demand curve for other...The arc price elasticity of demand can be calculated using the following equation: Arc Price...In the Grossman’s model, health is considered as a durable capital good that gets depreciated over...According to the Grossman model, well-educated people are more efficient producers of health. This...The health disparity in Town E can be calculated, since the cancer rate is 50% for nobles and 40% of...The medical institutions are the basic step starting to become a doctor. It is the step that starts...The discount factor implies the rate that the individual expects in the future period of time. This...It is true that the hospital admission rate has dropped in the past two decades. This is due to the...Consider the profit of hospital over the two-year period as follows: Profit(∏)=(P1−C1)q1+(P2−C2)q2...
More Editions of This Book
Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:
Health Economics
14th Edition
ISBN: 9781137029966
0 Edition
ISBN: 8220106671054
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