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Maintaining the clear, approachable writing style characteristic of author Karen Timberlake, Basic Chemistry , Fourth Edition, adds to its suite of problem-solving tools and techniques necessary for success in chemistry. Engaging new features such as end-of-section Math Practice problems, video tutorials and Math Review Modules allow readers to practice and master quantitative skills. Popular features, including "Combining Ideas" sections and end-of-chapter questions, have also been strengthened and expanded. Modern real-world applications help students connect chemical principles to events in their world, while stories involving careers illustrate the importance of chemistry in future careers.
032180872X / 9780321808721 Basic Chemistry Plus MasteringChemistry with eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of 0321809289 / 9780321809285 Basic Chemistry 0321834402 / 9780321834409 MasteringChemistry with Pearson eText -- ValuePack Access Card -- for Basic Chemistry (ME Component)More Editions of This Book
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