Algebra And Trigonometry (11th Edition) - 11th Edition - by Michael Sullivan - ISBN 9780135163078

Algebra And Trigonometry (11th Edition)
11th Edition
Michael Sullivan
Publisher: PEARSON
ISBN: 9780135163078

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Chapter 1.2 - Quadratic EquationsChapter 1.3 - Complex Numbers; Quadratic Equations In The Complex Number SystemChapter 1.4 - Radical Equations; Equations Quadratic In Form; Factorable EquationsChapter 1.5 - Solving InequalitiesChapter 1.6 - Equations And Inequalities Involving Absolute ValueChapter 1.7 - Problem Solving: Interest, Mixture, Uniform Motion, Constant Rate Job ApplicationsChapter 2 - GraphsChapter 2.1 - The Distance And Midpoint FormulasChapter 2.2 - Graphs Of Equations In Two Variables; Intercepts; SymmetryChapter 2.3 - LinesChapter 2.4 - CirclesChapter 2.5 - VariationChapter 3 - Functions And Their GraphsChapter 3.1 - FunctionsChapter 3.2 - The Graph Of A FunctionChapter 3.3 - Properties Of FunctionsChapter 3.4 - Library Of Functions; Piecewise-defined FunctionsChapter 3.5 - Graphing Techniques: TransformationsChapter 3.6 - Mathematical Models: Building FunctionsChapter 4 - Linear And Quadratic FunctionsChapter 4.1 - Properties Of Linear Functions And Linear ModelsChapter 4.2 - Building Linear Models From DataChapter 4.3 - Quadratic Functions And Their PropertiesChapter 4.4 - Building Quadratic Models From Verbal Descriptions And From DataChapter 4.5 - Inequalities Involving Quadratic FunctionsChapter 5 - Polynomial And Rational FunctionsChapter 5.1 - Polynomial FunctionsChapter 5.2 - Graphing Polynomial Functions; ModelsChapter 5.3 - Properties Of Rational FunctionsChapter 5.4 - The Graph Of A Rational FunctionChapter 5.5 - Polynomial And Rational InequalitiesChapter 5.6 - The Real Zeros Of A Polynomial FunctionChapter 5.7 - Complex Zeros; Fundamental Theorem Of AlgebraChapter 6 - Exponential And Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 6.1 - Composite FunctionsChapter 6.2 - One-to-one Functions; Inverse FunctionsChapter 6.3 - Exponential FunctionsChapter 6.4 - Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 6.5 - Properties Of LogarithmsChapter 6.6 - Logarithmic And Exponential EquationsChapter 6.7 - Financial ModelsChapter 6.8 - Exponential Growth And Decay Models; Newton's Law; Logistic Growth And Decay ModelsChapter 6.9 - Building Exponential, Logarithmic, And Logistic Models From DataChapter 7 - Trigonometric FunctionsChapter 7.1 - Angles, Arc Length, And Circular MotionChapter 7.2 - Right Triangle TrigonometryChapter 7.3 - Computing The Values Of Trigonometric Functions Of Acute AnglesChapter 7.4 - Trigonometric Functions Of Any AngleChapter 7.5 - Unit Circle Approach; Properties Of The Trigonometric FunctionsChapter 7.6 - Graphs Of The Sine And Cosine FunctionsChapter 7.7 - Graphs Of The Tangent, Cotangent, Cosecant, And Secant FunctionsChapter 7.8 - Phase Shift; Sinusoidal Curve FittingChapter 8 - Analytic TrigonometryChapter 8.1 - The Inverse Sine, Cosine, And Tangent FunctionsChapter 8.2 - The Inverse Trigonometric Functions (continued)Chapter 8.3 - Trigonometric EquationsChapter 8.4 - Trigonometric IdentitiesChapter 8.5 - Sum And Difference FormulasChapter 8.6 - Double-angle And Half-angle FormulasChapter 8.7 - Product-to-sum And Sum-to-product FormulasChapter 9 - Applications Of Trigonometric FunctionsChapter 9.1 - Applications Involving Right TrianglesChapter 9.2 - The Law Of SinesChapter 9.3 - The Law Of CosinesChapter 9.4 - Area Of A TriangleChapter 9.5 - Simple Harmonic Motion; Damped Motion; Combining WavesChapter 10 - Polar Coordinates; VectorsChapter 10.1 - Polar CoordinatesChapter 10.2 - Polar Equations And GraphsChapter 10.3 - The Complex Plane; De Moivre's TheoremChapter 10.4 - VectorsChapter 10.5 - The Dot ProductChapter 11 - Analytic GeometryChapter 11.2 - The ParabolaChapter 11.3 - The EllipseChapter 11.4 - The HyperbolaChapter 11.5 - Rotation Of Axes; General Form Of A ConicChapter 11.6 - Polar Equations Of ConicsChapter 11.7 - Plane Curves And Parametric EquationsChapter 12 - Systems Of Equations And InequalitiesChapter 12.1 - Systems Of Linear Equations: Substitution And EliminationChapter 12.2 - Systems Of Linear Equations: MatricesChapter 12.3 - Systems Of Linear Equations: DeterminantsChapter 12.4 - Matrix AlgebraChapter 12.5 - Partial Fraction DecompositionChapter 12.6 - Systems Of Nonlinear EquationsChapter 12.7 - Systems Of InequalitiesChapter 12.8 - Linear ProgrammingChapter 13 - Sequences; Induction: The Binomial TheoremChapter 13.1 - SequencesChapter 13.2 - Arithmetic SequencesChapter 13.3 - Geometric Sequences; Geometric SeriesChapter 13.4 - Mathematical InductionChapter 13.5 - The Binomial TheoremChapter 14 - Counting And ProbabilityChapter 14.1 - CountingChapter 14.2 - Permutations And CombinationsChapter 14.3 - ProbabilityChapter A.1 - The Viewing RectangleChapter A.2 - Using A Graphing Utility To Graph EquationsChapter A.3 - Using A Graphing Utility To Locate Intercepts And Check For SymmetryChapter A.5 - Square Screens

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