1 Introduction 2 First-order Differential Equations 3 Mathematical Models And Numerical Methods Involving First-order Equations 4 Linear Second-order Equations 5 Introduction To Systems And Phase Plane Analysis 6 Theory Of Higher-order Linear Differential Equations 7 Laplace Transforms 8 Series Solutions Of Differential Equations 9 Matrix Methods For Linear Systems 10 Partial Differential Equations 11 Eigenvalue Problems And Sturm–liouville Equations 12 Stability Of Autonomous Systems 13 Existence And Uniqueness Theory A Appendix A Review Of Integration Techniques expand_more
9.1 Introduction 9.2 Review 1: Linear Algebraic Equations 9.3 Review 2: Matrices And Vectors 9.4 Linear Systems In Normal Form 9.5 Homogeneous Linear Systems With Constant Coefficients 9.6 Complex Eigenvalues 9.7 Nonhomogeneous Linear Systems 9.8 The Matrix Exponential Function 9.RP Review Problems For Chapter 9 expand_more
Problem 1E: In Problems 1-8, find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the given matrix. [4221] Problem 2E Problem 3E: In Problems 1-8, find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the given matrix. [1124] Problem 4E: In Problems 1-8, find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the given matrix. [1513] Problem 5E: In Problems 1-8, find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the given matrix. [100002020] Problem 6E: In Problems 1-8, find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the given matrix. [011101110] Problem 7E: In Problems 1-8, find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the given matrix. [100231024] Problem 8E Problem 9E Problem 10E Problem 11E: In Problems 11-16, find a general solution of the system x(t)=Ax(t) for the given matrix A.... Problem 12E: In Problems 11-16, find a general solution of the system x(t)=Ax(t) for the given matrix A.... Problem 13E: In Problems 11-16, find a general solution of the system x(t)=Ax(t) for the given matrix A.... Problem 14E: In Problems 11-16, find a general solution of the system x(t)=Ax(t) for the given matrix A.... Problem 15E: In Problems 11-16, find a general solution of the system x(t)=Ax(t) for the given matrix A.... Problem 16E: In Problems 11-16, find a general solution of the system X(t)=AX(t) for the given matrix A.... Problem 17E: Consider the system x (t)=Ax(t),t0 with A=[1331] a. Show that the matrix A has eigenvalues... Problem 18E: Consider the system x(t)=Ax(t),t0 with A=[2112] a. Show that the matrix A has eigenvalues... Problem 19E: In Problems 19-24, find a fundamental matrix for the system x(t)=Ax(t) for the given matrix A.... Problem 20E: In Problems 19-24, find a fundamental matrix for the system x(t)=Ax(t) for the given matrix A.... Problem 22E: In Problems 19-24, find a fundamental matrix for the system x(t)=Ax(t) for the given matrix A.... Problem 23E: In Problems 19-24, find a fundamental matrix for the system x(t)=Ax(t) for the given matrix A.... Problem 24E: In Problems 19-24, find a fundamental matrix for the system x(t)=Ax(t) for the given matrix A.... Problem 31E: In Problems 31-34, solve the given initial value problem. x(t)=[1331]x(t),x(0)=[31] Problem 32E: In Problems 31-34, solve the given initial value problem. x(t)=[6321]x(t),x(0)=[106] Problem 33E: In Problems 31-34, solve the given initial value problem. x(t)=[122212221]x(t),x(0)=[232] Problem 34E: In Problems 31-34, solve the given initial value problem. x(t)=[011101110]x(t),x(0)=[140] Problem 35E: a. Show that the matrix A=[1143] has the repeated eigenvalue r=1 and all the eigenvectors are of the... Problem 36E Problem 37E Problem 38E Problem 39E: a. Show that the matrix A=[211121221] has the repeated eigenvalue r=1 with multiplicity 3 and that... Problem 40E Problem 41E Problem 42E Problem 43E Problem 44E Problem 45E: Mixing Between Interconnected Tanks. Two tanks, each holding 50L of liquid, are interconnected by... Problem 46E Problem 48E Problem 49E: Stability.A homogeneous system x=Ax with constant coefficients is stable if it has a fundamental... Problem 50E format_list_bulleted